Guest Post: "Trump"
on 11.27.15
E. Messily writes: I kind of feel like he might be doing some really advanced performance art, like he started out with this "Trump" character assuming that everyone would get the joke, and when they let him run for president instead, he started pushing it harder and harder. To try to let everyone know that it was all a joke. But no one said anything and now he is stuck doing and saying every over-the-top thing he can think of, waiting for someone to notice how unrealistic it all is.
Heebie's take: For a while he was just playing the World's Realest Reality Show game, "Win the Nomination!", but it does feel like the tenor has changed since the Paris attacks.
Also of my kids' interests, I really enjoy dinosaurs.

on 11.26.15
Back by popular demand! No really!
Whine, thanks, etc, here.

Fastest route
on 11.25.15
I've used navigation systems for years, but it only dawned on me in the past six months to use it on my frequent routes and determine if I'm actually using the best routes at different times of day. It's disconcerting to realize that all your mental scheming is now moot and sometimes inaccurate. The driving version of waking up in the early 2000s and realizing that you will never again have an arcane debate stretching over years for any bit of trivia anymore.

Terrorist threat.
on 11.24.15
I know it came up in the comments, but it seems reasonable to have a thread about the white supremecist terrorists in Minneapolis at the Black Lives Matter rally. Also I just don't feel comfortable with white Christian males being allowed in Texas unless I can be 100% sure they won't buy guns and shoot things.

You're Clear Enough, Randall
on 11.23.15
The person who writes your favorite funnies has a new book where he explains hard ideas using only the most used words. Here's one part of the book.
It would have been much more helpful if he had written purely for ease of understanding, but that's not a conceit that sells books.

Fraudulent blowhards
on 11.23.15
The tells of fraudulent research. Basically you try to sound like a big, blustery blowhard. I know, shocking.

Guest Post - jesus fucking christ
on 11.22.15
Trivers writes: Like I said, Jesus fucking Christ.
Heebie's take: Seriously, jesus fucking christ.