Palo Alto
on 01.29.16
As E. Messily puts it, "This is some bullshit." A kid was transferred out of his school because he has a genetic marker for cystic fibrosis (but does not actually have the disease) and somehow another set of parents found this out (?!), and their kid does have CF, and they claimed the first kid needed to be booted to protect their own kid. (People with CF can cross-infect to each other, apparently.) Parents squawk all the time, but apparently the school listened to these parents, instead of a doctor, and then booted out the first kid instead of figuring out accomodations for the kid with CF.
via em obv

Guest Post - Cruzed
on 01.28.16
Trivers writes: I know Ted Cruz has been discussed to death on Unfogged with the theme that this guy is a historically insufferable person -- usually supplemented with stories from people who knew a guy who knew him. I've always had a hard time picturing the guy, though. Thankfully, I don't have to anymore, and neither do any of us:
Heebie's take: he's so vile! And skinny. He sucks a lot.

on 01.27.16
Reflections on having no breasts:
1. I still have a nipping-out sensation in the cold, which is the weirdest thing. I suppose this is ordinary phantom-limb stuff.
2. Removing 5 lbs of flesh from on top of your heart turns out to affect your heat loss. I'm now running way colder than I used to. Given the climate, this is an improvement.
3. Coobie bras are these gimmicky Sky Mall-esque little elastic things, which turn out to be ideal mastectomy bras. They come with removable padding, so they've got pockets ready to go, and they're stretchy and stable and comfortable. I'm very curious as to whether or not they're worth a hill of beans as a real bra - the testimony is accurate for mastectomies, is it accurate for regular use? - but not curious enough to ask someone to buy one.
4. The other super weird sensation is that when I drink cold water, I can feel it travel down and fan out throughout my chest in an intense way.

on 01.27.16
Since we've got an Oregon thread going, I'll go on to my back-up topic: the Zika virus. Jesus, that's terrifying. Asking women to delay pregnancy is such a particularly scary detail, I suppose because it's both serious enough to warrant a recommendation but also leaves you with the sinking feeling that this is so obviously inadequate and there's not much of a plan B.

Oregon is the new black.
on 01.26.16
The other thread was getting slow to load and the Bundy stuff is developing, so here's a fresh one. Also, The Chickening.

on 01.26.16
Presumably you guys have already linked this in the comments, but I still think it's nice that the video-makers got indicted and Planned Parenthood was not. (There's still a state investigation.)

The F.O. Fund
on 01.25.16
A Story of a Fuck-Off Fund is making the rounds, about basically why women need to be financially independent. I briefly thought about how it would be received on the local mothers board and realized that it would be really insulting and weird to women in abusive relationships or just generally in poverty. In other words, the actual message of this piece is "don't squander your moderate financial independence because you need it to escape potentially dangerous relationships". It's a worthwhile message, but it assumes starting from moderate privilege, so it's not a general audience message.