Barry Freed (from durance vile? No, just from places that aren't London.)
on 06.04.16
Barry writes:
I'm arriving early afternoon of June 3 and leaving June 6 so I'm potentially free late afternoon and nights of the 3rd, 4th and 5th. If someone can't make one of the days I'm totally open to having 2 London meetups but I think I might try to see a film on the evening of the 4th. I'll be staying just north of Hyde Park near Paddington Station, and my venue is just south of the park next to the Royal Albert Hall.
Londoners interested in drinking with Barry, or just in drinking generally, should figure things out in comments.

The Greatest Of All Time
on 06.03.16
He's not dead yet, so this is in poor taste, but it's my only chamce tonight, so, Muhammad Ali, now there's a man and a life. Most of us are a bit too young at appreciate what a huge deal he was, but we know enough. Damn.

on 06.03.16
That Japanese kid is like one of his remote-island-cave-dwelling, decades-surviving, WWII forebears. Those Japanese: drop them off in the woods, pick them up anytime.
We saw Louis C.K live last night, and my expectations were low, given that it seems stand-up stars tap into the zeitgesit for a while and then are suddenly stale and dated. But he's still pretty damn funny, even allowing for the fact that it's always funnier live.

Guest Post - Suburbia
on 06.02.16
E. Messily blockquotes:
Adam and Eve Wild, as their names imply, exist in a prelapsarian state of indifference to suburban norms, and this is the key to their happiness.
Heebie's take:
The health problems of the suburban man, according to these books, are caused by his incessant motion across the landscape. He is always in a hurry, commuting to the city and back every day, going on business trips. Women's disturbances have the opposite etiology: They are the result of spatial confinement. Because suburban women spent so much more time at home and in the neighborhood, writers of the era tied women's problems more closely to their environment, especially the house. This was nothing new: the archetype of the trapped woman goes back from Charlotte Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and Charlotte Brontë's madwoman in the attic to Danaë in Greek myth. But for the woman stuck in the new suburbia, the monotony of her surroundings--with only new gadgets for diversion--was thought to deepen her despair.
The titles of these books are great: The Split-level Game, ("Reckless suburbanites play it for kicks! First, the wife gives in to a neighbor. Second, the husband hides out with a secretary. Third, [C E N S O R E D]"), Love in Suburbia ("They spiced their lives with other men's wives"), No Down Payment, ("An explosive novel of the intimate relationships between young couples in a typical suburban development.")

Text message
on 06.02.16
Why are text messages so much worse than they were a couple years ago? It seems like delays are really common now, and it's just a stupid text message - it should easily get through. Incredibly annoying not to have them dependably delivered immediately.

Guest Post: CA Dem primary
on 06.01.16
Minivet writes: If one likes Bernie but cares most about keeping Trump out, who should a Californian vote for Tuesday?
To be more specific, if Bernie improbably won, accepting that would not be enough to nominate him, is it plausible that victory that might hinder Hillary in the general, or is that overexcited primary-season talk? So many thinkpieces.
Obviously, for anyone who has landed on "Bernie as pathological lying narcissist", there is no choice at all.
Heebie's take: In my opinion, you coalesce behind Clinton at this point. The general has already begun and Bernie is walking an awfully fine line between fighting for his platform to be incorporated vs making life harder for Clinton for no good reason. While I am still utterly confident in Clinton's victory, I'm a little irritated that Bernie hasn't signaled more clearly that he's fighting for key policies and not for the actual office.

Speaking Of Insufferable Writers
on 05.30.16
I started reading this (in print, where the byline is at the end on the next page) and thought, "Wow, this sucks. This is Hertzberg's space, isn't it? This can't be Hertzberg." Sure enough, Adam Gopnik. Why isn't he in jail?

on 05.29.16
This is probably more of a midweek post, but presumably I'll be at work, and it's ultimately not much more than clickbait, so: Why you will marry the wrong person.

Blame Indiana
on 05.29.16
Nice look at the difference between New York and Chicago's murder rates.