Friday whynottery
on 07.14.17
What is your ideal vacation?
Sometimes I think isolated cabin in the woods, but I like having my family around, but if it's an idealized vacation, there should be a way to offload the shitwork, which starts to sound like a resort, which then sounds pretentious and surrounded by terrible Republican voters. I can't really contemplate big travels or seeing neat things without first dealing with the exhausting reality of kids in my fantasy. It's kind of like a blog post I read recently where the author was about to kiss some attractive male, and then her brain asserted that she was MARRIED and she couldn't even have dream-heavy-petting because of her brain's insistence on reality. I related to that.
Off to New York!

Guest Post - Senate health care
on 07.13.17
Dairy Queen writes: They are still tallying calls requesting a hearing on AHCA, could you put up a post? Everyone call, get everyone you know to call - 202.224.4515.
Heebie's take: One is BCRA, and the other is BRCA. Do you know how to remember which is which? For the first 10+ years that I was diagnosed, I did not know what BRCA stood for. Sit down: it stands for BReast CAncer. Isn't that delightfully anticlimatic? I assumed it stood for something with words like Ribonucleic and Bronchyoid or something.
Anyway, make those calls.

John Crawford III
on 07.13.17
The cop that killed John Crawford III at the Walmart, while he was on the phone, will not face charges. I assume this is another short thread because, honestly, wordless rage does not take up many characters. What on earth is there to say? These people are shameless.
I'm sure it hinges on how the law was written at the time of the shooting, and so they genuinely don't think they'd be able to get a conviction under that law. But nothing has changed since then, because there are enough terrible, shameless people who prefer the status quo.

NYC Meet-up - Heebie Edition
on 07.12.17
Just to be clear, there are two NYC meet-ups in close proximity - Barry is tonight at Fresh Salt, and I'm on Monday the 17th, at the Dive Bar.
What to wear? My grandparents lived in NYC, and I spent a stretch of a summer there before graduate school, and generally grew up visiting frequently. But then I haven't been since maybe 2005. I only emphasize this for the following reason: the last time I visited was the middle of the summer, and halfway through the trip, it was like I suddenly ate from the Tree of Knowledge and noticed, "hey...I look like a slob here. How come absolutely nobody is wearing shorts?" I grew very self-conscious.
So what do I pack? Is it true that a self-respecting fashion plate such as moi will feel egregious wearing shorts? I can probably patch together a few days of dresses and lightweight pants, I mostly just want a sanity check here.
What to do? Any interesting exhibits or parkstuffs that you'd particularly recommend? I am mostly going to spend time catching up with old friends and family, so I'm looking for loose activities that would not monopolize conversation. Strolling through gardens is preferable to seeing a show, for example.

You're his friend? You got problems.
on 07.11.17
I know it's everywhere, and I know David Brooks is a dumb man's idea of a smart man's idea of a shit sandwich. I know, I know.
Recently I took a friend with only a high school degree to lunch. Insensitively, I led her into a gourmet sandwich shop. Suddenly I saw her face freeze up as she was confronted with sandwiches named "Padrino" and "Pomodoro" and ingredients like soppressata, capicollo and a striata baguette. I quickly asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else and she anxiously nodded yes and we ate Mexican.
I know.

"But his emails"*
on 07.11.17
Trump, Trump jr, and whatever else thread. I admit I'm still fond of the excuse that they were meeting to discuss adopting orphans.

Cop Talk
on 07.11.17
This collection of snippets from interviews with Chicago cops is really good. Too short, actually, but surely Nickeas has a book in him.

NYC Meetup, 7/12
on 07.11.17
Barry Freed in NY with stories of life in Arrakis. BYOStillsuit.
Fresh Salt or anyplace else we settle on in comments, the usual 6:30 or so.

I'll Have What She's Having
on 07.10.17
If you like disaster porn, here's your multi-orgasmic top-shelf stash. More flourish than rigor, but hey, it's porn. Also: all gonna die.
Our lungs need oxygen, but that is only a fraction of what we breathe. The fraction of carbon dioxide is growing: It just crossed 400 parts per million, and high-end estimates extrapolating from current trends suggest it will hit 1,000 ppm by 2100. At that concentration, compared to the air we breathe now, human cognitive ability declines by 21 percent.

A small sample of depressing things
on 07.10.17
With my magic power, the ability to hear what news would sound like if it were background news and I weren't paying any attention, I can tell that the latest insanity - the thing about Trump Jr and Paul Manafort meeting with Russians last June - sounds like background noise, different assemblages of the same somewhat-breathless reporting. When I was 20 or 21, I donated some money to NPR and got a subscription to Mother Jones. It all seemed so overhyped and hysterical to me - the world is obviously not ending on twenty different fronts, folks! Quit panicking about everything and settle down! If these were real problems, the big news outlets would be showing more concern.
I know I keep beating this horse, but I'm obsessed with how this story never seems to quite hit its stride in the mainstream world. They use breathless language, but egghead breathless language. It's not a real emergency, or we'd all be panicking. It's the bed of nails phenomenon again.
A differently depressing thing is this - these lawyers who target Democrat-leaning districts, and orchestrate voter purges from the registration rolls. The basic scheme seems to be:
1. Accuse the district of having more registered voters than eligible voters.
2. Send them a decree threatening a lawsuit if they don't purge their rolls.
3. The method specified for purging is that the district is supposed to send out notecards to every voter, and un-register anyone who doesn't mail back their notecard.
The letter to Noxubee County alleged that the county was violating a federal law that requires states to keep their rolls up to date. The commissioners maintained that they were following the law. In fall 2015, the ACRU's attorneys began to push the commission to sign a consent decree that would commit the county to vigorous vetting of its registered voter list in order to avoid a lawsuit. Among its provisions, the draft decree would require the commission to send a non-forwardable notice to all registered voters asking them to confirm their eligibility. Every voter who did not fill it out and return it would be put on a list of inactive voters, and anyone on that list who failed to vote in two federal elections would be removed from the rolls.
The commissioners refused to sign the decree. From her years in office, Miller knew that mailings are often returned as undeliverable. A third of the county's residents live in mobile homes, and their address are not, as she puts it, "what they should be." Some people use PO boxes but fail to pay to keep them active. So she was adamant that she would not agree to the mailing, and negotiations broke down.
In November 2015, the ACRU filed a lawsuit against the commission in federal court, alleging that there were 9,271 names on the registered voter list in a county with just 8,245 eligible voters.
Note: I no longer think that Mother Jones is shrill and hysterical.

Grand Declarations
on 07.09.17
Epic love letters at the work place are definitely not flattering and are a form of sexual harassment.
So, should I be insulted that I've never received one? No one feels more whole and complete and electrified around me than they ever knew possible? THANKS, creepers, for confirming my regular-ness.