Mavericky: The Reckoning
on 07.28.17
When people you don't like turn out to be right, and you're have to say those idiots were lucky to right for the wrong reasons, god damn it.
Exactly. He's laying the groundwork to vote no on whatever is cobbled together (if anything is) with this attempt.
— Chuck Todd (@chucktodd) July 25, 2017
I scrolled for a while, and found precisely one guy who came back to that thread and told Todd that he was right after all.

The cost of the ER
on 07.28.17
Good morning from Wyoming!
Today's bit: The Company Behind Many Surprise Emergency Room Bills, via J, Robot, (which wasn't a few days old when she emailed it to me.)
From a profit standpoint, there are so many untapped opportunities in healthcare! It just takes some good old can-do spirit and you have to be morally bankrupt.

Bad On Steroids
on 07.27.17
What drugs isn't the Mooch using? I looked at old photos of him, and he doesn't have the same jutting jaw, which is a sign of HGH use. And he's surely using cocaine, right? And there was the moment around the time of the debates when Trump started accusing Clinton of using drugs, and someone who had known him said something like, "I didn't think he was using drugs until he accused her of doing it, because that's how he is." No wonder they want to get rid of Sessions.

The Very Best Background Noise
on 07.26.17
My mind is going, so I might have just posted about this, but we need a TV show to watch. We only kind of "watch" when we're watching (I'm coding, my wife is charting) so it can't be something that requires sustained concentration, or relies on small details for its effects (nothing novelistic like The Wire or Mad Men). It can also include only a teeny tiny bit of violence, or my wife won't watch it. And it can't be a straight comedy, or I won't watch it. Recent success: Master of None. Recent near misses: Luther (good, but a little overheated for pleasant night-time viewing--I realize we sound 80), Lost (we tried to get into this, gave up halfway through the first season, read the plot summaries, and thought "good call").
It seems like there a million TV shows these days, so surely there are a few that fit the bill.

Long way to go. Three days to get there.
on 07.25.17
We're starting the drive to Montana tomorrow. I'm looking forward to listening to hours and hours of My Favorite Murder. It's so great. (I've only barely listened to it, but it was easy to fall in love.)

Your Day In Politics
on 07.25.17
--Are we allowed to make fun of Jared Kushner looking and sounding like a slightly dim mid-pubescent?
--I've always disliked John McCain, so this dramatic rising from his deathbed to fuck the poor seems fitting, but he's a complicated guy and I can see why others might feel differently.
--Jeff Sessions, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

The Big Sick
on 07.25.17
Is good. It does a couple of things very well. First, you really get a feel for why Kumail and Emily fall for each other. So many falling in love movie narratives are just I met this person and this person is pretty and look at us being adorkable together. Here, they each have convincingly idiosyncratic ways of interacting with people, and you see it dawn on each of them that the other is an amazing surprise.
Second, the moments where Kumail says or does something unsympathetic don't feel like forced attempts to "complicate" the character, and there's no attempt to elicit sympathy for a faux pas. It just sounds like a believably jerky moment. I wonder if that's a product of Nanjiani and Gordon having co-written it, so that he couldn't even subconsciously spin it to his benefit.
There's also a bunch of good stuff with both sets of parents. Recommended!

Honest Caretakers
on 07.24.17
Enjoy a good, righteous, and entirely justified angry rant.

on 07.24.17
Have a long, tiring story of the Hatfields and McCoys of truck nutz. I keep saying that one day I'll start carrying a pair of scissors and a little white string - then the next time I see a pair in a parking lot, I could liberate them and replace them with a tampon string. But honestly, it's been a while since I've noticed a pair.

du jour
on 07.23.17
Mango chili lime is having a moment, yes? I like it a lot. For funsie, I put some siracha sauce (a sauce whose moment has passed, I think, and has returned to being regular old siracha sauce) on some slices of mango and thought it was sooooo good. Just the faintest little bit, so as not to overpower the mango.

Sunday wtfuckery?
on 07.23.17
Sean Spicer lugging the fridge down the driveway is the best.
Just like every week, I think, "Surely this is the week when everything collapses dramatically and irrefutably." But by some measures, the collapse has already begun, and by other measures, it will never be irrefutable. It's so unsatisfying.