Guest Post - Quem sabia que era tão complicado?
on 07.12.19
Mossichar writes:
"It's a marmalade of madness," Lobão grumbled of Bolsonaro's crisis-packed opening act in power which has been plagued by factional struggles, mass protests, claims of mafia ties and corruption involving his family, a cocaine smuggling scandal involving a presidential plane and damaging revelations involving his celebrity justice minister, Sérgio Moro.
Heebie's take: How depressing.
(But this is funny:
Not to mention a series of bizarre gaffes - including sharing a pornographic video with his 3.4 million Twitter followers - that have led some to question whether Bolsonaro will even see out his four-year term.)
Mostly it's just so aligned with the Trump model.

on 07.11.19
We are done being on the road for the next week. Should there be an Epstein thread? I can't find the original tweet, but it was something to the effect of: "You guys, pizzagate was real. It was just Republicans in Florida and there was no pizza" and it more or less summarizes how I feel - that every nutty accusation is a projection of the kind of shit that they do.
It's also the case that this story has been around forever, and it was just the whims of MSM that kept this from ever really being front and center as a prominent story. This is the kind of story that makes you sympathetic towards conspiracy theorists. (Not the Alex Jones cruel kind, just the regular paranoid "zoom into the pixels and you can barely make out..." kind.) It really does cast a wide net, and it does play out like powerful people in a shadowy world where rules don't apply doing whatever the fuck they want, and then pulling strings both politically, legally, and journalistically, to keep it from catching up with them.
I'll include this link just to justify the post title.

Guest Post - How US law pushes car culture on everyone
on 07.10.19
Minivet writes:
Zoning rules scatter Americans across distances and highway-like roads that are impractical or dangerous to traverse on foot...
The tax code sharpened [the message] by lavishing rewards on those who drive and punishing those who don't...
The most prominent way of setting and adjusting speed limits, known as the operating speed method, actually incentivizes faster driving...
States don't require drivers to carry enough insurance to fully compensate people they hit...
Criminal law has carved out a lesser category uniquely for vehicular manslaughter. ..
Heebie's take: Everything the article says is true, but the author is making ordinary Americans rather passive automatons in the car-ification of America. People who live in the suburbs like the suburbs. People like using their car to get around (until traffic makes it unpleasant). When traffic becomes unpleasant, people often prefer solutions that allow them to keep using their cars with reduced traffic, instead of switching to public transit or arranging their living quarters to be close enough to bike or walk.
(And it's absolutely true that this involved oil-industry-driven capitalist forces that shaped culture away from public transit and dense housing. But once that culture took root, I think its also liable for some of the current mess.)
Everything the author says is true, but I think he's being a bit simplistic about car drivers' motivations in maintaining the entrenchment of cars.

Guest Post
on 07.09.19
LW writes: More immediate, last month's political assasination in Germany. Spiegel can lean a little hysterical, but there wasn't much official reaction to this:
"I fear there will be more assassinations like this," says Miro Dittrich, who spent three years combing forums and comments on the internet for inflammatory, extremist and illegal content on behalf of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, an organization that combats racism and radicalism in Germany. In the messaging app Telegram alone, he is monitoring around 200 accounts.
Dittrich says there is no longer a need for a leader, for organizations that operate in hierarchical ways or for cells for a terrorist attack to happen. "These people may go out and do this, but they still aren't acting alone," he says. "They know there's a global community that encourages and eggs them on, and even celebrates and glorifies them as heroes after their deeds."
Heebie's take: Skipping formatting due to phone-posting! sorry so sloppy.

Guest Post - Reproductivity
on 07.08.19
LW writes: Hope you're enjoying summer. 120 F in India this year!
I really enjoy reading systematic biology surveys. Here's one that's pretty interesting-- looking at lifespan and reproductive strategy, species adapt lots of different ways, there's no single common strategy.
Although it has been predicted that evolution should inevitably lead to increasing mortality and declining fertility with age after maturity, there is great variation among these species, including increasing, constant, decreasing, humped and bowed trajectories for both long- and short-lived species.
Heebie's take: Only mid-90s in Amarillo yesterday, as we rolled in. Onward through the stack of states between NM and MT!
Also the humped trajectory of fertility is funny.