Anger Goes Here
on 03.27.20
I'll start: The existence of a literal playbook by the NSC from 2016, for how to handle a pandemic breakout:
"Is there sufficient personal protective equipment for healthcare workers who are providing medical care?" the playbook instructs its readers, as one early decision that officials should address when facing a potential pandemic. "If YES: What are the triggers to signal exhaustion of supplies? Are additional supplies available? If NO: Should the Strategic National Stockpile release PPE to states?"
which was 100% ignored. Stories from the frontlines, criminal mismanagement of this crisis, etc: all the stuff that will take over your brain if you can't compartmentalize goes here.

Semi-Weekly Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 3/27
on 03.27.20
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.
Episode 2.

on 03.26.20
There are a few broad qualitatively different kinds of shelter-in-place/lockdown/whatever we're doing:
1. You're leaving the house daily or often to go to work.
2. You live alone.
3. You live with self-sufficient adults.
4. You live with children or dependents.
and these are vastly different experiences. (2,3, and 4 imply that you're WFH.) What am I missing? (you could probably spend all day tackling that last question.)

Data and News Sources?
on 03.26.20
What are your favorite daily update sources on this?

Catching ones breath
on 03.25.20
This guy went off the grid to take some photos:
Russian photographer Max Avdeev set off in late February for a journey that had become somewhat of a tradition: roaming the wilderness in Russia's far north with a group of reindeer herders on snowmobiles, completely off the grid....
When he left the world looked like this: A federal judge had just sentenced Roger Stone to more than three years in prison for lying to Congress, witness tampering and other charges, and Russia had been trying to interfere in the Democratic primaries to help Sen. Bernie Sanders, who was on a winning streak.
The point of the story is that he re-entered civilization on March 17th, ten days later, and had some jaw-dropping catching up to do. (Via Mossy.)
Similarly, there was a news story a week ago or so about how the cast of Germany Big Brother still didn't know everything was upside down, and they had to be sat down and informed. But also, their set-up was actually very quarantined and safe, so carry on. (That last part is what I imagine. I don't actually know.)
I remember in 2016, jokes about someone waking up from a coma and being informed about Brexit and Trump (and maybe a third item that now I can't remember?) and what a mindfuck that would be.
I guess my point is that: aside from the fear and dread and grief, there's also the whiplash of getting used to the idea that we have shut down the world in the past three weeks. My kids were asking about their most cherished summer activities, and I was soberly explaining to them which things I thought were probably cancelled. And almost as consolation, I said, "But this is the kind of thing you will tell your grandchildren about" and that kind of drew them up short to consider. I don't think the world has ever turned upside down on this scale and speed in my lifetime, for sure.
For the most part, I feel less disoriented with the speed of change this week than I did during the two previous weeks. It's all moved so fast, and yet everything in daily life feels so slow. (We kept a vague semblance of a schedule yesterday, which did help. Oh, and by 11 pm, the city had shut down all parks around the river. Which is upsetting, but the right thing to do.)

Well Damn
on 03.24.20
Maybe we should leave this stuff to the pros.
here's an abridged version of the full list of food puns i turned in with my first draft of tonight's #TheGoodPlace episode
— Megan Amram (@meganamram) September 29, 2017

Semi-Weekly Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns
on 03.24.20
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.
Episode 1.

Guest Post - TV Debates
on 03.23.20
Mossy writes: Clear the hall:
Sunday night's contest showed that, in the absence of a crowd cheering on the combatants' more pandering tendencies, a debate can be a useful exercise after all--a way to gauge the candidates' views and character.A preview of this possibility was first glimpsed on the night of Biden's Super Tuesday victories. Amid the early warnings of the coronavirus, Biden delivered his speech to just a small group of supporters. It was a quiet speech, calling for party unity, and he delivered it quietly. In earlier speeches, he'd had to yell to be heard over the loud, hooting crowds, and the yelling often triggered the stuttering from his youth. This time, there was no crowd, no yelling, no stuttering, and, as the Washington Post reported, many called his words and his demeanor "presidential, a sign of leadership, and a contrast to President Trump's bluster."The relative calm of Sunday night's debate made Sanders look better too.
Heebie's take: Maybe campaigns can learn from this and design events that speak to the candidate's strengths?

Guest Post - upbeat links
on 03.22.20
LW writes:
- Walruses can whistle
- Here is a set of upbeat eighties and nineties mixes. Deep cuts for the genres I know a little about, nice choices. An Introduction.
- I have a basically petty technical issue-- I would like to have a somewhat structured to watch list (that is, folders, at the very least to slot material that I know is not compatible for some other people who I spend time with). Both amazon and netflix just support a flat list. Yes, I could use tags and imdb URLs in pinboard or something. ios and ideally firestick app support would be ideal, but phone at a minimum. Should I just keep lists in folders in an app on my phone? I feel like this should be a 10000% solvable problem, but I want keyboard input and then easy search against the streaming services I have ideally on the screen. Should I just bite the bullet and turn on the computer to watch TV, send images to TV screen?
- In other news, Cooking everything for myself (and my kid while he's here) takes more time than carryout; between that and daylight exercise rather than hitting the gym or biking to the office, not yet in control of my schedule.
Heebie's take: I'm also having trouble keeping any semblance of a schedule. Nothing is due terribly soon - our 2nd Spring Break is about to start - but I should be getting stuff done now because the kids will start online school on Thursday, and I feel approximately like this lady about it:
I have been cooking a lot, though. Roasting stuff and making soups, things that I enjoy but are usually too slow for rushed dinners.