This fucking state.
on 05.22.20
Someone posted in a local FB group that she was looking for a divorce lawyer, and briefly shared that she's pregnant with their 3rd kid and he's decided to go back to his ex. Amid recommendations are a bunch of women saying, "You should know that there's a law in Texas that you can't divorce while you're pregnant. I know because...." or "It's really hard to get a judge to okay a divorce while you're pregnant." So the current state is that it's widely enforced, at least, because there were plenty of women commenting that it had happened to them. Also? They all hated it, and really wanted the divorce finalized.
Checking out some rando lawyer's page:
Courts will not generally grant a Texas divorce during the pregnancy of a spouse. Courts want to address all of the issues in the final divorce decree, including paternity, custody, and child support, and they cannot do that until the child is born.
Although courts are unlikely to grant the divorce during a pregnancy, that does not mean a spouse should wait until the child is born to file for divorce. Texas has a waiting period of 60 days, meaning courts cannot issue a final divorce decree until at least 60 days have passed since the case was filed, except in certain cases involving family violence. The paperwork can be filed and the process initiated during the pregnancy. The parties can go ahead and start negotiating the terms of the divorce and try to work out any issues on which they agree. If the parties do not agree on significant issues, the process could take several months and waiting until the child is born to file for divorce will just prolong these delays.
It looks like this is not the national norm:
While this is a non-issue in many states, some states--including Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas--do not allow a divorce to be finalized until the child is born so that you can complete a settlement and custody agreement.
The reason that these conservative states make you wait until the baby is born is that they're really committed to the idea that once the baby is born, it will become a full human with rights and needs, whereas during pregnancy, it exists in a quasi-parasitic state. Nope, wait, that can't be right.

Semi-Weekly Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 5/22
on 05.22.20
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.
Episode 19.

Guest Post - Differential Demagoguery
on 05.21.20
Yssom Rachtacher writes: You are a head of government (and/or state). A world-historic pandemic falls on your head. What do you do? What happens next? Below, a simple typology. Whither Abe, Macron, Johnson, Trudeau? Whence Bolsonaro, Duterte, Modi? I await your categories and categorizations, classification of your local critters. And there's at least another year of this ahead, so maybe predictions. Airbrush Time You are an autocrat. You fuck up catastrophically, but are capable of containing the damage. Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un (maybe). Reichstag Fire, Baby! You are an elected fascist. You are capable of containing the damage. Viktor Orbán. Blame Others, Refuse Responsibility, Hide Under Bed You are an elected fascist. You aren't even remotely capable of containing the damage. Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump (strikingly similar to Putin! Do your own linking.) The People Lift You Upon Their Shoulders You are an elected technocratic centrist. You do your job. Moon Jae-in, Tsai Ing-wen.
Heebie's take: Oh yay, I love it when a game remembers to have a girl demagogue character programmed in for me to pick.

Guest Post - A New Golden Age for Blogging?
on 05.20.20
Charleycarp writes: I'm very interested in hearing Heebie's take on this.
Heebie's take: here goes! I'm pessimistic, unfortunately. Basically Substack looks like a selectively-paywalled version of freelance journalism, trying to liberate journalists from the tyranny of click-based models. It's noble, but it just feels doomed. It reminds me of how every two years, all the Unfogged-deserters on FB try to abandon FB for a new open-source version that never seems to achieve a sustainable critical mass.
I think that the big, established newspapers have finally figured out how to convert people to subscriptions, by offering limited numbers of free articles. At least, it works on me. If they're smart, they tailor it to the individual: figure out an algorithm for how many times a person attempts to open an article per month, and then get them to run out in about the second week.
But getting a new service off the ground is really hard. I guess these guys have been at it for two years? And they do have some recognizable names, like Daniel Ortberg. Ok, his Shatner Chatner feels like The Toast in all the best ways. Ok now I can't stop reading it, so I'm going to go keep doing that.

on 05.19.20
The author of this piece is very upbeat about this:
IF YOU WERE to draw up a list of the most plain-spoken, passionate, and progressive women in American public life, you would have to include Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, and Sara Nelson somewhere near the top. All of them, of course, were loud and ardent advocates for Bernie Sanders during the Democratic presidential primaries.
Imagine my surprise then -- or was it disbelief? -- to discover on Wednesday morning that they had been appointed as co-chairs of three of the six "joint task forces" that are meant to unify the Democratic Party on policy in the run-up to November.
The whole article is trying to convince you that this could be a game-changer. And you know me - I'm always a sucker for this kind of rainbows-and-bluebirds message. Are you?

Semi-Weekly Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 5/19
on 05.19.20
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.
Episode 17.

Guest Post - Hobby Robby
on 05.18.20
Minivet writes: Not only did he buy up looted objects like crazy, the Hobby Lobby guy was expensively conned by a professor who stole from an archive and dressed up 3rd century biblical scraps as 1st century to satisfy his inerrancy fetish.
On the plus side, he has now given a lot back to Iraq and Egypt. Shame still works on most people!
Heebie's take: This is the satisfying - if long - conclusion to the guest post that J, Robot sent in back in January, here, which linked to this Guardian article. At that point, the state of the mystery was thus:
In total, the EES has now discovered that 120 fragments have gone missing from the Oxyrhynchus collection over the past 10 years. Since the appearance, in June 2019, of that fateful purchase agreement and invoice bearing Obbink's name, the scale of the scandal has taken time to sink in. What kind of a person - what kind of an academic - would steal, sell, and profit from artefacts in their care? Such an act would be "the most staggering betrayal of the values and ethics of our profession", according to the Manchester University papyrologist Roberta Mazza....
At the other end of this disturbing chain is someone who stole and sold Oxyrhynchus fragments to the evangelical billionaires. Whoever they are, they are still at large. For now, the papyrus thief walks free.
It turns out that Obbink is exactly that type of person. Minivet's link in the Atlantic is mostly a detailed description of why people continued to take Obbink seriously for so long, but honestly the guy just is a completely unscrupulous asshole, and if you're looking for gullible people, extremely religious people are your playground.

on 05.17.20
I have two questions:
1. Has any state published measures that they'll use to cue a second lockdown? I'm concerned about a slow burn increase over time that never seems stark enough to jolt anyone into action.
For example, Texas's new cases are about 1500/day. I think we were in the 10s when we shut down mid-March. Clearly that decision was made with much less information about the precariousness of the situation, but we can't use that instance as a guideline for when to shut down now, because we've blown past it. Is there anything short of hospitals running out of capacity that will cause us to dial back activity?
2. Can anyone recommend a book of piano pieces for me? I've been finding it relaxing to play lately, but I only have a book of very traditional classical music that came with our piano when we got it. I would say I'm unpolished-but-advanced. I just don't know which composers wrote which songs that I like. (I remember liking Dvořák, so I just bought this, but I have no idea what I'm getting.)