Useless, all of you
on 07.18.20
I can't believe that, when I was speculating about how to cool stock or the like rapidly, none of you bothered to point out that that exact product exists, albeit with a slightly different intended application.

I Think
on 07.17.20
Part of what makes procrastination so difficult to overcome is that starting a task is always an implicit acknowledgement that it would have been better to start earlier. You're not just grappling with an unpleasant task, you're also grappling with the fact that you fucked up.
You know that proverb, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now?" It's good. I also think that 80% of ancient Chinese proverbs are actually from Victorian devotionals.

Friday nothing.
on 07.17.20
A friend quipped that it's not so much your "home" anymore as your "habitat". I think she's right. Maybe terrarium? Zoo cage? It is definitely a new relationship to our containers.
Current prediction: all of the bruised red states will cancel all live instruction at the 11th hour. First the public schools will crumble (in Texas, at least, where they got cover to do so earlier this week by the TEA). Then the fanciest private schools, in part because nearly all their faculty will have moved their classes online. Then one or two big public institutions will go, and then the dam will burst and all schools will move online. It will feel like last March. Everyone just needs cover that everyone is doing the same thing.

Semi-Weekly Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 7/17
on 07.17.20
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.
Episode 34.

Guest Post - Random thoughts on surveillance
on 07.16.20
Nworbie writes: There's a paper in PNAS about reading personality traits off from smartphone usage.
we successfully predicted levels of Big Five personality traits from behavioral patterns, derived from smartphone data, for more than half of the domains and facets (57% of all personality dimensions). In multiple instances both model types performed well above the baseline model (i.e., a model that constantly predicts the mean in the respective training set). Furthermore, our results suggest differences in how well the trait dimensions were predicted, as can be seen in Fig. 1 and in SI Appendix, Table S4 (e.g., sociableness most accurately and agreeableness not at all).
Note that this didn't require access to the words anyone typed or read or the photographs they posted and looked at, merely to what they used their phones to do and when:
Using sensor and log data from volunteers' smartphones, we extracted thousands of variables, categorized into six classes of daily behavior derived from previous research: 1) app usage (e.g., mean duration of gaming app usage), 2) music consumption (e.g., mean valence of played songs), 3) communication and social behavior (e.g., number of outgoing calls per day), 4) mobility behaviors (e.g., mean radius of gyration), 5) overall phone activity (e.g., number of unlock events per day), and 6) a higher-level behavioral class that captured the extent of daytime versus nighttime activity
We're used to the idea that the surveillance of content gives advertisers and other adversaries and advantage over us. It's a fresh thing to worry about that there is so much to learn from apparently much cruder data. And of course there is no way to democratise that knowledge: even if the means to analyse it were freely available on github or wherever, without access to the data itself they are worthless.
Heebie's take:
This smells like the new blood splatter analysis, especially as a narrative device in crime shows.
"But the criminal wiped the phone clean!"
"Yes, but" [gruffly] "we can pry off the back like so" [grunting] "and have a look-see and see what kind of clues they didn't know they were leaving behind. Mmmm. See how the wires are worn out in this section that deals with Ladder Apps? he's a short guy, about 5' 7"."

on 07.15.20
This 15 year old girl in Detroit has been sitting in juvi because she didn't complete her online schoolwork last spring.
Judge Mary Ellen Brennan, the presiding judge of the Oakland County Family Court Division, declined through a court administrator to comment on Grace's case. In her ruling, she found Grace "guilty on failure to submit to any schoolwork and getting up for school" and called Grace a "threat to (the) community," citing the assault and theft charges that led to her probation.
"She hasn't fulfilled the expectation with regard to school performance," Brennan said as she sentenced Grace. "I told her she was on thin ice and I told her that I was going to hold her to the letter, to the order, of the probation."
That judge is a shithead of an excuse for a person. The article goes into all the details, and there are no mitigating details. Removing someone from their home during a shelter-in-place order and placing them in a group living facility is chilling. And doing it for this level of twaddle is ...well, it's not cash-4-kids, but it's almost the ego-driven version of the same thing.
Via Jammies

Don't worry about it.
on 07.14.20
This is unseemly:
The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington -- a move that has alarmed public health experts who fear the data will be distorted for political gain.
Everything is fine.

Just angry.
on 07.14.20
Can we just have another thread which is just wordless rage about the public schools, and the lack of federal funding back when it might have made a difference, and how I've been fearing this exact scenario since, literally, March?
I just can't express how angry I am at the utter failure of leadership that is putting us all in this situation.
(Apparently, positive spin is how I cope. Right now I'm hoping that "science" is having its watershed moment, as real life experiments play out nationally, and that it will be visually obvious that states that use science to base their decisions fare so much better than those who don't. Maybe science-denialism will go wander in the desert for 40 years, and then come back to kill us all in 2060.)

Semi-Weekly Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 7/14
on 07.14.20
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.
Episode 33.

Mid-Century Ebony
on 07.13.20
Gorgeous midcentury covers of Ebony magazine.
I would absolutely love to read some of these articles: "How to Stop Riots in Chicago", "The Plight of Southern White Women", "Problems of Blond Negroes","Most Democratic City In America", "What Negroes Can Expect From Lyndon B. Johnson", "Should Boxing Be Abolished?", "The Ten Most Trusted Whites", "Black Barriers to White Friendships", (and a hundred more).
First, it's so delightful to read things with all the trappings of a mid-century air to them, but then also to be a fly on the wall while black people speak (semi-)candidly to other black people about dealing with racism in mid-century US...well! these have to be somewhere.
(I remember LW guest-posted recently about back issues of Billboard Magazine being online. Don't know if Ebony has something similar.)