A Talent For Enmity
on 07.31.20
My kids play with a couple of neighbor kids (their family seems to be very good about quarantine--other than interacting with our children, of course) and we're extremely lucky that our boys have this outlet, or they'd drive us and themselves insane, so I feel particularly guilty about just not liking one of those kids very much. He's of the let's make a million rules and vote on who violated one and what the consequences should be type of kid, who I remember really disliking when I was a kid, and find that I still dislike now. I congratulate myself on the extremely normal behavior of not telling him to fuck off already, which is perhaps requiring more than normal effort on my part. So, make me feel better: which kids do you not like?

Semi-Weekly Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 7/31
on 07.31.20
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.
Episode 38.

Dimwit In Chief
on 07.31.20
I guess this isn't that new - from early June - but it amuses me:
And so, over the past month, the Trump campaign has spent slightly more than $400,000 on cable news ads in the Washington, D.C., area, buying time largely on Fox News but with some smaller buys on CNN and MSNBC as well, according to filings with the Federal Communications Commission. The ads began running in late May and are scheduled through June 23. It is, on a purely electoral level, a remarkably quixotic use of campaign cash. The purchases have no real shot of moving D.C., Maryland, or Virginia into the Trump column....
DC seems particularly quixotic, I should say.
With Trump stuck in that milieu of anxiety, his re-election team is hoping that the ads may put him at ease that his formidable political machine is hard at work defending him and attacking his enemies. Trump is a voracious consumer of cable news, and--the thinking goes--is likely to see the spots pop up between segments of his favorite shows.
Sort of all-the-emotions funny.

on 07.30.20
Holy shit. Trump has floated delaying the election in a tweet. This is an alarming line to cross. So much so that I'm posting from the drive thru line, on my phone, from Hardin, MT.

Guest Post - "Shared" Cancer Decision Making
on 07.30.20
NickS writes:
Shared decision-making occurs in medicine when physicians help patients make choices that cohere with both the patient's values and the best scientific evidence. In my previous cancer post, I described how I had to choose whether to be treated only with radiotherapy or to have radiation with concurrent chemotherapy. In choosing to have radiation-only -- that is, no chemotherapy -- I was helped by several physicians at the Ottawa Hospital. They answered my questions clearly and respectfully. Interestingly, my doctors disagreed about what I should do, and I was pleased that they were candid about that. Friends and family members in medicine also helped. I am particularly grateful to several physicians and cancer survivors, compassionate strangers who read my posts and wrote to me. Thanks to you all.
So when I think about these interactions, shared decision-making worked superbly for me. I will continue to say this even if the treatment fails because this aspect of the caregiving has been excellent, regardless of the (to-be-determined) outcome.
Except that none of these wonderful interactions matter if the health care system can't process even simple communications from a patient.
Heebie's take: It's a quick and interesting first person narrative. Basically, shared decision-making sounds great in practice, but the medical system is this vast network where you're constantly interacting with computer systems that have not been designed with shared decision-making in mind, and talking to people who are constrained by the options on their screen.
Two quick thoughts:
1. It takes a little bit of ...willpower? something... to put aside one's envy and discuss earnestly the problems of the medical systems of other countries. But the problems are legitimate! But so is the envy.
2. The problems described are really much broader than just how they sabotage shared-decision-making. What's being sabotaged is the ability of the patient to fix any error that they notice. Maybe a better model is for patients undergoing longterm care to essentially be assigned a case-worker, who is their point person who can manage and coordinate their care? There are so many problems with relying on the patient, or a supportive loved one, to manage and coordinate care.
It's hard for me to conceive of case-workers who aren't supremely overloaded with cases, immediately, due to a system that shortchanges their value and keeps slashing their numbers, to save costs. But I forgot I was supposed to be putting my envy away.

Book Groups
on 07.29.20
I had a thought about our occasional book groups, which is that they follow the pattern set by when we read Piketty - summarizing chapters for easy digestion - which is time-intensive and feels like homework.
We can also do the type of book group where no one has to write a damn thing, and just shows up to a thread on a pre-determined day to complain and fight about the book.
Also we're going to be driving for the next few days, so if you've got a guest post burning a hole in your pocket, feel free to send it over.
For some weird reason it feels like a slow news cycle. Like, there could not be more bonkers things packed into one single season, and yet nothing is distinguishing itself as being a thing for today in particular that would generate discussion. Fatigue maybe?

Semi-Weekly Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 7/28
on 07.28.20
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.
Episode 37.

Guest Post: Representation of Cities in the Senate
on 07.28.20
Mooseking writes: While I've thought about versions of this amendment for a few years, the push for DC statehood brought it back to light. Sure, DC statehood is great, but it feels like one narrow instance of fixing malapportioned representation, leaving the underlying problems unaddressed. The issue of senate representation feels very like a modern version of the early 1900s refusal of states to reapportion districts to keep rural white districts over represented when minorities moved to the cities. Or like the problem of rotten boroughs in English history.
I'm also curious to see if people think that adding more senators would be constitutionally kosher, or if a challenge on Article V grounds would invalidate it. (I thought that additive was a way around the final clause's every state gets equal representation requirement, but I'm not the best judge of it.)
Expanded Representation within the Senate
Each incorporated jurisdiction (such as cities, towns, and consolidated city-counties) with a population exceeding that of the least populous state shall elect one Senator. Incorporated jurisdictions with a population greater than five times the population of the least populous state shall instead elect two senators.
Senators elected from incorporated jurisdictions are otherwise identical in privileges and responsibilities to those elected under Article I Section 3.
Senators representing a single incorporated jurisdiction shall be placed in separate classes. States and territories including multiple ties with Senators elected under this amendment shall have the classes of all Senators staggered to the greatest extent possible.
Heebie's take: I've had a similar thought about DC and PR statehood. DC should be a state because it lacks proper representation, but it's not the right mechanism to fix the problems of the senate.
I like the idea that cities are cohesive entities deserving representation. But this of course gets into the ratio of a state's population that is distributed between cities, suburbs, and rural areas, as well as the degree to which a city has annexed its suburbs. (However, the percent of a state which is rural tracks pretty closely with how sparse a population is, overall. So it's not like there are states without cities, but with a large, evenly rural population.)
Anyway: Wyoming has roughly 500K people. There are roughly 37 cities larger than Wyoming, and only three larger than 2.5 million. So we're talking about giving urban cores an extra 40 votes.
Also, the thing that's particularly nice about this is that you take a place like Texas: we have six cities above 500K, and all but one (Ft. Worth) are blue. They total about 7.75 million, and the total state is 29 million. So instead of having two stupid senators, we would have 5 blue and 3 red, despite the fact that we're not yet able to carry a statewide election. Sounds great!

on 07.27.20
Kevin Drum is trying to figure out why Republicans are being such pricks about renewing UI and other CARES benefits. He can't understand why, even without a moral compass, they aren't eager to act in their own best interest and save the economy.
Dude: Republicans actively dislike poor people and want to harm them. That's the thing they're wrestling with.