Assorted for Friday
on 10.09.20
1. 24 days to go. How the hell are we supposed to survive?
2. Unpopular take: The 80s version of Lean on Me is superior to the Bill Wither's version.
3. I've had the thought recently that raising children affects me in a bit of a Ship of Theseus way. I've got all these components of my childhood memories - what it was like to be three, what it was like to be seven, etc. But the versions of my kids at these ages is so much more vivid (but in many ways similar) that it blurs with and somewhat replaces my own recollection. It doesn't replace in the sense that I'm confused about which events happened to who, but it tilts the weight of the general associations that I have about what it means to be three. Or seven. And then there's the tangible objects from my childhood which came with memories, and then I like having them incorporated into my kids' lives, and it accumulates all these new memories and displaces the first ones, which were more impressionistic than specific at this point, anyway. I'm one continuous person, though, I'm pretty sure of that.

Thursday WTF
on 10.08.20
Per request, a dumping ground for all the rest of the terrible things.

Another debate
on 10.07.20
I don't think I'll be watching this one, either, although it shouldn't be quite the same kind of shitshow as last week. But YOU should watch it and then describe what's happening, and we can all say funny or grumbling things about how well it's going.

Guest Post: Binder diversity laws
on 10.07.20
MInivet writes: Hopefully our biggest immediate problem next year will be judges blocking stuff Democrats pass. So on that theme, California laws requiring public corporations have board diversity are being challenged by Judicial Watch.
* How at risk are laws like this from the present federal judiciary?
* Would they be at risk from, say, the 1970 bench, or under your own set of preferred constitutional principles?
Heebie's take: Obviously I have no expertise whatsoever.

Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 10/6
on 10.06.20
(This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.)
Clearly I cannot keep this simple thing together. Maybe I'll just aim to keep one on the front page at all times.
Episode 49.

on 10.05.20
It's hard to think of anything else to post about besides Trump having Covid, since everything seems to have ground to a halt in light of that.
I did have this link about how cars have driven into protesters a staggering 104 times since protests began this summer. (Via Delagar, elsewhere)
The kids are at school today for the first time since March, and everything seems very surreal.