on 11.07.20
Oh thank fucking god.
I know we're still stuck with a lot of terrible people and a lot of uncertainty, but let's just take a moment to let it sink in that Biden/Harris are going to be the new President/VP. Unclench your jaw, take a deep breath, all that good stuff.

on 11.05.20
Can someone please reassure me that Arizona will in fact be certified for Biden and that it was not premature to call it earlier? I am feeling very tense that the presidency itself is still in jeopardy.
(general election thread)

Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 11/5
on 11.05.20
(This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while.)
For today, at least, let's keep the election details and debates out of this thread, although of course adjacent topics like your stress level are more than welcome. I just think it might be good to have the option to compartmentalize.
Episode 53.

Maybe soothing?
on 11.02.20
This seems to be making the rounds:
I don't know, but Karen O's voice hits me somewhere at my core.

Occupy Yourstreet
on 11.02.20
So everyone have their pantsuit ready to wear for tomorrow? Ugh, what a depressing memory - it felt like being served such a comeuppance to be wearing one while the results trickled in. I have a very vivid memory of the moment that I realized things were not on track: it was the election returns for Florida, which was getting more and more lopsided as more returns came in. That was the first split in the seams of my pantsuit, so to speak. We were at an election party for a local city council candidate, and no one was really willing to entertain my fears, so I had a stretch with an icy finger in my belly and no one would listen. Then we left and headed to a friends' house, and sat in stony silence there for a little longer.
How are you planning to occupy yourself tomorrow to help the time pass? How's your anxiety?
So, tell me about what you're wearing symbolically, during the failing Brexit negotiations?