Rabbit rabbit
on 04.01.21
I'm having trouble thinking of anything to post! April Fool's Day isn't very interesting. It's the day when the internet gets dull because everyone is cracking themselves up by writing something they'd NEVER write in seriousness.
Pokey took a fake cockroach to school, and we warned him that it is the type of thing that a teacher will confiscate and you will not get back. It's disturbingly realistic.

Random sexism
on 03.31.21
Through the grapevine, I got some of the backstory on this petition (which is in Florida and I have no connection with anyone there.)
Basically school administrators took girls into the bathroom and made them unzip their hoodies (which they were intending to wear as shirts all day long) to make sure that they weren't violating the dress code underneath their hoodies. Some of the girls were just wearing hoodies over bras or camisoles. They interpreted that as a violation, as opposed to interpreting it as the girls wearing hoodies as shirts. There's some other egregious stuff - girls having to jump up and down so that administrators can make sure the hoodies are long enough.
The thing about checking under someone's clothes for compliance makes me lose my mind. It's like trying to be a thought police. "We think that you might just be complying with the letter of the law, and may have plans later on to wear less clothing. We need to verify that you want to be modest."

Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 3/31
on 03.31.21
Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 3/31
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while. There is no way it could function as that sentence implies, but it's still nice to have a thread.
Episode 73.

on 03.30.21
Maybe a Chauvin trial thread? How closely are you all following this?

Motivational structures
on 03.29.21
I did a new thing this semester. I set up one of my classes so that they'd turn in homework on Sunday nights, and I'd use their answers to set up group work and organize how I ran Tuesday's class. I thought this would help me keep up with the grading.* It's working, but I totally resent it.
My aunt and uncle have a drawer in their kitchen which sits flush on back of a counter, so that if you open the drawer, it will push off anything in its path. They kept their silverware in it, so that it would motivate them to keep the counter cleared. Eventually one visit, I found that the silverware was re-located, and they explained that there were just too many broken glasses. I'm kind of ready to bail on my grading system at this point, but there's only a month left in the semester, so I suppose I should just stick it out.
*I have graders for some classes, but I prefer to grade homework for certain classes myself out of some ill-conceived virtuosity.

Guest Post: Doctor Slack/DS/Lord Castock/Rod Scatlock Looks Back on Unfogged
on 03.28.21
Hello, Unfogged. It's Doctor Slack/DS/Lord Castock/Rod Scatlock here. I know I haven't seen some of you in quite a while. And I'll be real: it's probably not likely I'll come back to being an Unfogged regular. But I wanted to give you all a shout-out.
Unfogged was a very unusual Internet experience for me. I never actually met or directly knew any of you, and in a way, I liked that. It gave me space to engage with people with whom I was in a weird sense both intimate and from whom I was detached. There was a time in my life when I prized that curious mixture of experiences. I loved joking, bullshitting, and arguing, but I preferred to do it with people who to some extent I could feel like I knew and trusted.
Unfogged was that niche for me for a fair few years. During that time I fought with people, bonded with people, argued with people, and talked random shit about random shit. For the most part, I enjoyed having those experiences here, because I enjoyed and was genuinely challenged by the community here.
I was also, let's be real, something of an asshole a lot of the time. I still am, and I credit many people in my actual life for helping me not to get worse on that score, but I also credit many people here for putting me in check and (sometimes) on blast and helping me to be a better person thereby. I didn't always seem like I was hearing you when that happened: as when Sifu Tweety went at me for becoming an increasingly insufferable blowhard (which, let's be real, I was), or when multiple women had to tell me that my opinion wasn't the most important thing in the room (it makes me cringe to recollect how many times that had to happen), or when I wound up in epic fights with alameida (which happened more than once) or her genuinely delightful hubby who I'm willing to bet never had occasion to know from my lips that that was how I saw him.
I was too proud to admit then that I was learning from you. That posture could easily have hardened into my becoming one of the legions of fucking awful 'debate me!' bros who now plague the modern Internet. But I'm here to tell you that you did get through. You did change my perspective. And I wound up being better for having known you.
That goes for so many of you. Ogged, the man himself. The ever-solid Lizardbreath. Tedra Osell / BitchPhd, who taught me so much about what in-practice feminism really looked like. My eternal illicit blog-crush, parsimon. Absolute legends like Matt, teofilo, Ben Wolfson, Apo, Moby Hicks, Substance McGravitas, mcmc, Jackmormon, Blume, Heebie, Minneapolitan, CharleyCarp, A White Bear, oh God there are so many of you, I know I'm forgetting to name like a half-billion other people here and I'm sorry. But you all made a difference to me, and I'm thankful to have known you.
This is not, to be clear, an 'I'm dying' message or an 'I'm going away forever' message. I think the 'nym "Lacks Doctor" has a pleasing symmetry with "Doctor Slack" and he'll still turn up from time to time. In the meantime, if you want to get in touch with me on other platforms (I'm active on Facebook which, I know, I know, but it's my point of contact with my long-distance Significant Other so I'm stuck with it), hit me up at mistabobdobolina@gmail.com and let me know who you are and I'd be happy to connect. I don't want those relationships to be something that just ends when I finally forget to keep posting here.
Thanks, Ogged. And thanks to the Unfoggedtariat. I still think of you all and I'm always rooting for you.