on 09.24.21
I frankly thought that Cyber Ninjas would outright fabricate new vote totals that favored Trump. I can never predict when Republicans think that lying is a bridge too far.

on 09.23.21
So is there any merit to the airlines asking us to put our phones in airplanes mode? I just feel like if it was an actual security risk, they'd probably check more thoroughly than just friendly reminders. (Ie, they don't just take my word that I'm not smuggling liquid explosives in my shoes.) Is this just a rule for people who follow rules?

Labor shortage
on 09.22.21
First of all, I can't remember ever living through a labor shortage that has shown up tangibly in as many areas of my life as this one. The public schools don't have any subs. Hawaii's school bus was doubling up middle schoolers and high schoolers in a single route for a week, as in she got taken to the high school on the way to the middle school, due to various shortages. (K-12 is dramatically short-staffed across the board.) The nursing shortages were visible when I took Rascal to the hospital. It's hard to fill positions at Heebie U. Etc, I have a vague sense that retail workers seem more harried than usual, and I'm projecting that it's because they're covering extra work load.
My instinct is to blame it all on employers, by either creating jobs that are so shitty that no one wants to go back to them, or by making their hiring process so onerous, dumb, or automated that qualified candidates are filtered out. This article confirmed all of that, and so I like it.

on 09.21.21
1. Has there been some very recent regulation about website cookie notification? It feels like since maybe mid-summer, I'm being notified to accept cookies far more often than I used to be.
2. Does anyone enjoy talking about the nuclear submarine thing with Australia and not France? Knock yourselves out here!
3. How to have hard conversations. I actually think this list is enormously wise, but it seemed too mushy for a standalone post.

Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 9/15
on 09.20.21
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while. There is no way it could function as that sentence implies, but it's still nice to have a thread.
Episode 96.

Negative twelve dimensional chess
on 09.20.21
I think I keep posting about rightwing Covid deniers because posting about Haitian refugees is too heartbreaking and needs action and activism more than my silly commentary.
In that light:
a lot going on here
— Christian Vanderbrouk (@UrbanAchievr) September 19, 2021
I mean, WOW. (The take in the tweet is kinda hilarious to me in its understatedness.)
The last paragraph of the excerpt reads:
I'm sorry, but people willing to drone strike seven children and who are eager to unleash terrorists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter into our cities are sociopaths. The left's morality is guided only by that which furthers their fascist agenda, and so using reverse psychology to trick Trump supporters NOT to get a life-saving vaccine is, to them, a moral good. The more of us who die, the better.