Friday thoughts
on 02.18.22
1. This artist took photos of unrelated people who look eerily similar. Different assortment of photos by the same artist here.
Two thoughts:
- Since these are strangers, it's kind of weird how they're posed so intimately. I wouldn't necessarily want to cuddle with some stranger who looks like me (although I grant you she'd be pretty cute).
- Okay, if you told me any of these were siblings, I would not bat an eye. Knowing however that they're not related, it seems like they look similar in different ways than siblings look similar. Like, what catches our eye and makes people visually interchangeable is slightly different than the influence of genetics on the appearance of siblings. If that makes sense.
Put another way, suppose you took one of these subjects, and put their true sibling on one side and their stranger-twin on the other side of them. The true sibling would have some features that are exact echoes, and some features that are completely different. The stranger-twin is roughly similar on all features to the subject, but is not an exact version on any. I can imagine that the stranger-twin and the true sibling might not seem to have any special resemblance.
2. There's a very appealing story going around that inflation right now isn't just due to supply chain shortages. Rather, one major contributing factor is that businesses are gleefully realizing that the normal downward pressures of price have been suspended, and they should grab as high a price tag as possible while the getting's good.
Is this real? I'm inclined to believe it because it fits my priors, but maybe I should also check with people who know stuff.

Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 2/17
on 02.17.22
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while. There is no way it could function as that sentence implies, but it's still nice to have a thread.
Episode Kobe sixteen.

on 02.16.22
This article is claiming that traffic fatalities have increased due to recklessness linked to Covid stress. (There was a similar NYT article in the past day or two, but it opens with the death of a child and I just can't read any further, so I found an older article.)
I am just going to say that I had one of the most awful driving experiences I can remember the other day. First off, I drive way too much and I hate it, and I just can't structurally re-engineer central Texas, and I'm not going to move. Anyway, I forgot a dance bag, so after collecting one child from an activity, I had to hurry home to get it, before dropping the next kid off.
I was weaving through a neighborhood (because the two main arteries through town are both closed to construction. One has been closed for 18 months. IDK) and noticing a massive amount of neighborhood traffic in the opposite direction, which indicates that a train is stopped on the tracks, and everyone is trying to figure out how far the train reaches so that they can drive to the next open crossing and cross the tracks.
Drivers were being so awful. Swerving aggressively to pass me on a neighborhood street, with oncoming traffic and the car ahead of me not traveling any faster. (Two blocks later, I saw a poor kitty who I believe was the victim of that same fucking truck that had passed me a moment earlier, and then I was haunted by overbright reminders in my mind for the rest of the evening.) Drivers ignoring stop sign rules and flipping each other off. (I may sound like a country mouse and this is just what aggressive drivers are like. But also, what if drivers are carrying guns?)
Anyway: I can't remember ever a time that driving put me in such a foul mood and made me hate humanity so much. So this article tracks.

on 02.15.22
This may be one of my weakest premises for a post, but I like the title of this book that I have literally never opened nor read one single word of: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States.
What a very useful framework for me to think about, in a world where so many formerly helpful organizations and infrastructures seems to be in decline. They left out "dejected complacency" though.
(I did look up the author - Albert Hirschman - just long enough to make sure that I wasn't inadvertently linking someone who was Ben-Shapiro-adjacent. This book is from 1970. Now I'm imagining you all read it as first semester college students, while I was off trying on low-rise jeans and watching Pop-Up Video.)

on 02.14.22
MoviePass, a service that let users watch movies inexpensively but shut down in 2019, is returning as an app that will track users' eyes when they watch adverts.
The new service will use facial recognition and eye-tracking technology to ensure that viewers eyes are looking at promoted content in exchange for access to films.
"It's a way to close that loop and make it far more efficient of a system," co-founder Stacy Spikes said, as reported by Motherboard.
Close that loop!
(Warning - link had autoplay with sound.)