Guest Post: an even lazier post than my usual!
on 04.01.22
Lurid Keyaki writes: I do actually want to see where Unfogged goes with this. I am 100% trolling. I'd give this about a 1% chance of being at all significant. The idea of as many as 2 people being duped into disliking (team?) sports as insufficiently right-wing is kind of delicious, though.
Heebie's take: I guess the more detached/enraged you become with mainstream America, the more you have to double-down on anything that incorporates the milquetoast values of mainstream America? (They do explicitly say that this is not an April Fools thing.)
With the far left stepping away from football due to concerns about CTE, and now this, all that's going to be left to watch the season is the 96% in the middle.

Idle thought
on 03.31.22
You know how you can react to a text message, at least on an iphone? It really fills a niche of politeness, where you need to indicate that you got the message or liked the joke, but you don't want to keep the conversation going. (Or you want it to change directions, while not being rude about their last comment.) It's superior to responding with a smiley emoji, although it's roughly the same in effect. I'm just saying that it noticeably improves my texting experience.
The Whatsapp method of letting you reply to a single message (via swipe or drop down menu) is superior to the iphone method.

¡Hola Papi!
on 03.30.22
I haven't had a chance to read many of these essays/advice columns yet by ¡Hola Papi! , but I very much enjoyed the first one I picked.

The worst
on 03.29.22
Obviously I remember those weird lawsuits, back in December 2020 and January 2021 where one state was claiming another state's electoral results were disputed, and obviously Ted Cruz is a human shitstain, but still:
As Eastman outlined a scenario in which Vice President Mike Pence could deny certifying Biden's election, Cruz crafted a complementary plan in the Senate. He proposed objecting to the results in six swing states and delaying accepting the electoral college results on Jan. 6 in favor of a 10-day "audit" -- thus potentially enabling GOP state legislatures to overturn the result. Ten other senators backed his proposal, which Cruz continued to advocate on the day rioters attacked the Capitol.
And also Cruz and Eastman have been buds since 1995? And also Cruz rushed to Florida in 2000 to spend his days and nights making sure W. was elected? Is there any turd he won't jam his fingers into and mash around?
I think that on the actual Jan 6th, when Cruz was making those dumb speeches to reject various states and conduct an audit, I thought he was doing another green-eggs-and-ham piece of jackass performance art. Not playing out an actual scheme. Maybe I'm misremember. Anyway, fuck that dude.

Little FAMU
on 03.28.22
An African-American high school marching band that was more or less erased around 1990.
This is my alma mater. It's astonishing how little I was taught about the context of the school, or the racial history of the city. I regret that I wasn't more inquisitive, but also it's hard to imagine it playing out any other way.