on 09.02.22
I've always preferred public transportation over biking as a substitute for cars, but they're both basically fiction, as options in my life. However, I've been warming up to the idea of ebikes as something that maybe I'd try some day, and maybe car-centric cities could become incrementally more amenable to.
Boy this article from The Atlantic is a bucket of cold water. It's written by someone who has an ebike, and their complaints are the exact kind of thing I snivel over:
In theory, the easier ride that an e-bike provides should make it more tempting than a standard bike. For people with certain mobility issues, it may indeed be. Yet for the most part, all the nuisances of biking still crop up: hot or cold or wet weather, needing to transport something heavy or awkward, taking on another errand during the day that requires a drive, and so forth.
(Actually, now that I look back over the article, they also have a lot of weird complaints that do not resonate with me: the coolness or lack there-of, the sonic displeasure, the lack of an identity.)
But this might bug me:
In my experience, e-bikes are also strange to ride, and that strangeness contributes to their oddity. Having a motor changes a lot of things about a bike. Anytime you pedal with the motor engaged, it will push you forward more than you've pedaled. I thought I'd acclimate to it, but I still haven't; especially when pedaling from a coast out of a turn, I forget the motor is in gear, and when it engages it sends me off course, flying into the curb (or worse, into traffic). The e-bike rolls into an uncanny valley, the chasm between a bicycle under my human power and a motorbike piloted directly by a throttle.
I think I really just want to take a train to work.
(To be honest, I actually don't even mind my commute. I just feel a bit guilty about the environment, but faintly less so with our new virtue-mobile. I do hate stringing on a bunch of kid transportations when I get back to town, though.)

Maybe don't be an utter turd?
on 09.01.22
Psychology Today is generally garbage, but this article is so the zeitgeist of the moment: basically, claiming a huge number men are stuck in singledom because they're committed to being bratty diaper babies.
Relationship Standards. With so many options, it's not surprising that women are increasingly selective. I do a live TikTok show (@abetterloveproject) and speak with hundreds of audience members every week; I hear recurring dating themes from women between the ages of 25 and 45: They prefer men who are emotionally available, who are good communicators, and who share their values.
Skills Deficits. For men, this means a relationship skills gap that, if not addressed, will likely lead to fewer dating opportunities and longer periods of being single. There's less patience for poor communication skills today. The problem for men is that emotional connection is the lifeblood of healthy, long-term love and it requires all the skills that families still are not consistently teaching young boys.
The very short article also blames dating app algorithms, which doesn't make any sense as a mechanism that would disfavor whiny diaper baby men, but aside from that:
How can men reap the benefit of the algorithms? Level up your mental health game. That means getting into some individual therapy to address your skills gap. It means valuing your own internal world and respecting your ideas enough to communicate them effectively. It means seeing intimacy, romance, and emotional connection as worthy of your time and effort.
I know the Men of Unfogged are all set now to deprecate their own skills and cast themselves in with the jerks in the article, but really, you're not. Generally speaking, you fundamentally believe that if you're in a relationship with someone else, their perspective is valid and you are obligated to hear what they have to say. You generally believe that conflicts are something to resolve (or maybe ignore), but not something to smash over. You generally tell yourself a middlingly-accurate picture of your strengths and weaknesses. I believe in you, champ. You are clearing this low, low bar.

Your depressing tidbit for the day
on 08.31.22
When the teachers in Heebieville had their active shooting training, a few weeks ago, they were told that because the schools have sprinklers, they are incredibly safe from fires. In fact, no one has died in a Texas school fire since the 1950s! What great news.
So if there's a fire alarm, do not evacuate unless you actually see flames and smoke. Stay put, lest you and students flee out into the open where you can be easily shot. There, that's the dark part.

Mar-a-Lago docs
on 08.30.22
So what kind of punishment do you think Trump ends up with for these Mar-a-Lago documents? It seems inconceivable that he could receive a sentence proportional to what Chelsea Manning or other people got, because that's probably actually on a geologic time scale.
What's the minimum punishment that you personally would still feel like justice was served? I'm going to say 4 years actually spent in prison. He gets some sentence, appeals start flying everywhere, and I don't care about any of that. If he actually spends four years of his life behind bars, I'll be mollified on this one issue.

The Past
on 08.29.22
Here's a cute little vision of the future, from the early 80s. What jumps out at me most is how mechanical they anticipated all the changes as being. Partly this is just because mechanical innovations are more cinematic, but I also think that the future was conceived of as surely being mechanically revolutionary, à la les Jetsons.
Obviously the most obvious transformations proved to be in the areas of communication, availability of information, and ease of implementing computerized systems. Almost nothing about my daily life is mechanically unrecognizable from the early 80s, aside from the hours each day that I stare at my futuristic pocket calculator.
Not only is the future mechanically the same, more or less, we're possibly even more service-oriented than we used to be. There had been taxi cabs and pizza delivery guys, of course, but it's pretty wild that we used the ease of implementing computerized systems to scale up an industry which is mechanically unchanged from, oh, the 1800s for wealthy people? Hire someone to shop for you and bring you places?
Finally, the line between history and present keeps shifting, obviously, but right now I'm inclined to put it right around 1990. That may be because it aligns with my own teenagerdom, but I actually think it aligns better with the end of shoulder pads. They're so hard to explain to kids and it kind of really relegates the whole era to history.

Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 8/28
on 08.28.22
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while. There is no way it could function as that sentence implies, but it's still nice to have a thread.
Episode Kobe thirty three