I Ain't Laughin'
on 11.17.22
There's some hilarity in Elon burning Twitter to the ground (if you're not active over there...it looks like it may be at most days that the system stays up; almost everyone has quit), but Twitter is really great, actually, and I'm genuinely sad about it. It hasn't been hard to avoid what everyone hates about Twitter, and I've found so many cool people, so much news and information and comedy that I wouldn't have found otherwise.
Are there notionally better options? Of course. Something that one unstable loser can't burn to the ground, for example. Do I understand why people call it the Hellsite? Of course.
But this is a real loss.

on 11.17.22
I removed a post because I realized there was something I'd rather discuss: curfews on minors. Apparently the truancy system in Texas is broken beyond repair (I have zero knowledge of this myself, I'm just quoting) and so we rely on curfews of minors, both overnight and during school hours. (There are exceptions for going to and from work, or school events, or church events.)
The main goal seems to be to allow officers a reason to stop and talk to someone who looks too young to be out and about.
I can't see any reason for a curfew. I absolutely cannot imagine it's in the best interest of the kid to tangle with the police, especially if they've got big problems in their life. If there's someone causing mischief in a neighborhood, then you do have reason to stop and talk to kids milling around, as well as regular adults milling about who may have caused the mischief or violence.
Am I missing something?

Britney Griner
on 11.16.22
It is absolutely surreal and awful that Britney Griner is now in a penal colony in Russia. I have two thoughts/questions:
1. Is it true that there is basically no way to get her home, because ultimately Russia is making a power play for leverage/attention? Or are we not trying very hard to get her home?
2. It's really appalling how little media attention and regularly stoked outrage Griner is getting. She seems so forgotten by the MSM. I wonder if Russia underestimated American racism/sexism, and thought this would be a much bigger splash than it is? Or if this is just the biggest fish they could catch, so they went with it?
Is she really going to spend the next decade rotting in a Russian hellscape?! I feel so bad for her family.

on 11.15.22
Helpfully but anonymously, one of you sent me this:
If you're looking for a hook for an FTX post, it turns out Caroline Ellison (one of the main four executives, CEO of the company they sent the stolen money to) had a Tumblr and it sure is something...
The "facts about John D Rockefeller" post especially timely. But I think the quote that captures the whole vibe of her blog is "as someone with not a naturally very Good alignment who feels kinda conflicted about how much of genre fiction and especially ratfic is about Good characters..." (Ratfic is "rationalist fiction," usually fanfic I think, along the lines of "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality,") But mostly it's just interesting to think of someone stealing $10B by day, and then writing strange advice about nerd dating in the evenings.
Heebie's take: I only understand what's going on insofar as this Guardian article explained it to me. On the scale of 1 to Theranos, how many Fyre Festivals is this?

Guest Post: Is Trump's brand decaying?
on 11.14.22
Minivet writes: I read this long Reddit essay and while it was interesting, it didn't convince me - 90% to 80% support is not a big drop. And if 40-50% of the primary voters remain with Trump, that still wins the 2024 primary (winner-take-all-delegates voting)
But the 2020-style perpetual fraud-calling really seems to be petering out . What's up with that? For that particular element, the Redditor's suggested mechanism of Trump not controlling the GOP's messages via Twitter anymore does seem plausible.
Of course stopping denying results is not necessarily a victory for democracy - it's still consistent with disenfranchising and gerrymandering until your victories are inevitable, and superior in not discouraging your own base from voting.
Heebie's take: The linked essay does actually feel like a new(-to-me) take into a very old topic of how the conservative ecosystem functions. Such as:
1. The conservative base loved Trump a lot - more than I have appreciated - for being a prick to conservative elites, who they loathe.
2. How Trump built consensus, and the role of Twitter. (It makes me wary that Trump will maybe be back on Twitter very soon.)
Also I like the term "sane-washing" to describe how the media takes batshit crazy tweets from Trump or whoever, and uses it as fodder for their newscycle, and thereby normalizes the content.

Check Ins, Reassurances, and Concerns, 11/13
on 11.13.22
This is intended to be our system for checking in on imaginary friends, so that we know whether or not to be concerned if you go offline for a while. There is no way it could function as that sentence implies, but it's still nice to have a thread.
Episode Kobe forty-three