on 03.27.25
When Salvador DalĂ Created a Chilling Anti-Venereal Disease Poster During World War II.
I have a special fondness for the green/bright yellow color scheme for outdoor night scenes in midcentury sci-fi and horror illustrations, or things like Nancy Drew covers. (Somehow I think I'm speaking directly to lw in this comment, who doesn't necessarily agree but has a parallel observation of his own.)

Guest Post: I've never even seen a Hooter
on 03.26.25
Moby Hicks writes: It's a touching essay (gift link), but the idea of a using a waitress as cheap conversion therapy seems really tawdry. The other thing I wondered is, how much different "the waitress at Hooters understands me in a way my dad doesn't" is from "the waitress at Hooters is laughing at my jokes because she likes me"? In terms of being projection.
(Gift link courtesy of this guy)
Heebie's take: That is a good essay. On the second point, Aren't the two are qualitatively different? One is a sincere extension of kindness, apart from her job, and the other is a performance which is central to the job.
Also I guess Hooters references come in pairs, because I just recently saw this:

The Signal Jeffrey Goldberg Thing
on 03.24.25
Gifted link of the Atlantic article. (Thanks, Moby)
So fucking wild. As lurid points out, there will surely be more details unfolding.

Guest Post -- Electrifying
on 03.24.25
Mossy Character writes: Sino-Metals Leach Zambia just seems too on the nose.
Heebie's take: Holy shit that's depressing. But yeah: that's the literal name of the company?!?