Re: Reverse Shopping


Well, in Weinerville you could probably afford a very nice house--all the professors here seem to double as real-estate moguls--and have a tan in February on top of it! On the other hand, you can't buy the daily New York Times here.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 09-26-05 9:35 PM
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Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-26-05 9:41 PM
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What kind of tag line is "Live Like A Millionaire!" on a home that costs 2 million dollars?

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-26-05 9:42 PM
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Don't gloat, Weiner...

Posted by: FL | Link to this comment | 09-26-05 9:48 PM
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As far as disturbing tag lines go, I think Garry Gilmore's newest line wins. Brrrrrrr.

FL--I ain't gloating.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 09-26-05 9:53 PM
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Livable houses in North Dakota start at $2,000.00. With your savings you can buy a sunlamp.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 09-26-05 10:12 PM
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They sold off the very nice 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment I was living in in Chicago, which had impossibly high ceilings (believe me, I realized how high when I tried to change the lightbulbs) and a beautiful kitchen and some architectural feature that is not a turret but that I always think is called a turret, for $250,000. So it's not that bad.

Of course, this vexed me, cause I had to move, but then I moved into an awesme neighborhoo, and am no longer vexed.

Posted by: silvana | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 6:21 AM
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um. awesome neighborhood.

Posted by: silvana | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 6:22 AM
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Location, location, location. What you want is to find a place that's desirable for you, but wouldn't be for most people -- where the price goes down because of something you wouldn't care about. Have you thought of talking to realtors about towns with rotten lousy school systems? (Not that school systems mightn't possibly be of concern sometime in your future, but not in the ~5-year horizon.)

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 7:48 AM
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Or maybe a gay neighborhood. No kids, immaculate lawns.

Posted by: Tripp | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 7:53 AM
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Don't worry -- the housing market is beginning to fall apart. Just hold on 6-18 months and you'll be able to pick up panic selling bargains as people with interest-only mortgages need to start paying down the principle on their loans and find all-the-sudden that it's hard to flip the property for big gains.

Posted by: Matthew Yglesias | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:27 AM
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I'll be amazed (and very happy) if prices around me come down. Though they'd have to come down a lot for things to become affordable.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:29 AM
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Don't worry -- the housing market is beginning to fall apart.

I feel like a ghoul, but I'm hoping this happens. We've got two kids sharing a bedroom, and would love to buy the apartment next door to expand into, but it isn't going to happen unless something serious happens to the market.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:35 AM
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I feel like a ghoul, but I'm hoping this happens.

Me too. Housing Vultures Anonymous, anyone?

Posted by: Standpipe Bridgeplate | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:43 AM
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God, I hate being all responsible and stuff. I could afford to buy if I were willing to do one of those interest-only adjustable loans but since I know that's absolutely insane I refuse to do it. So, I get to watch all of my friends buy since they're all financial crackpots and I insist on being fiscally prudent. I feel like a total bitch but I can't wait for the schadenfreude...

Posted by: Becks | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:45 AM
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Houses in Weinerville are great investments! No bubble here.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:45 AM
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"Hi, my name is Lizard, and I have a detailed plan for bribing the disabled senior citizen next door into moving out of her rent-controlled apartment as soon as I can afford to buy it from the building sponsor...."

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:46 AM
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I bought in 3 years ago. I wish I had the discipline/confidence in my convictions to sell and move into a rented house for a year or two. 'Cuz something's coming.

Posted by: Chopper | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:51 AM
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Becks, we might should pool our income for the blogosphere's first joint-home-buying partnership. With any luck, it'll be big enough that we won't even have to see each other, except online.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:52 AM
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Yes, Ogged, if you were living with a woman you wouldn't want to run the risk of seeing her.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:56 AM
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(NB Nothing specific about Becks meant there)

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:58 AM
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I was trying to ease Becks into it, Weiner.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:58 AM
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I like the 'might should' -- I'm now visualizing ogged whittling on his porch in Vermont, eating apple pie for breakfast.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 9:59 AM
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Well, typically I appropriate regionalisms just to cause Weiner consternation, but if it makes other people happy, bonus!

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:01 AM
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Map of double modal use.

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:03 AM
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Huh -- that sounds totally New England to me, but apparently not to the linked map.

Posted by: LizardBreath | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:04 AM
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Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:08 AM
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Hey Weiner, you weren't serious when you said that Lubbock doesn't get the Times, right?

Posted by: Armsmasher | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:10 AM
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If we all bought a house together we could probably pitch the resulting reality show to, uh, to, ummm...

To what network would we be pitching that?

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:17 AM
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Posted by: Matt F | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:19 AM
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There has to be a huge audience for a bunch of dumpy nerds typing all day.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:19 AM
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So, Ogged, would this be a joint partnership or are you looking to be a kept man?

Posted by: Becks | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:20 AM
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Joint, Becks. The point was to pool our income.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:21 AM
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Armsmasher--well, it's not like I want to get the Times on paper anyway. You can get the Sunday edition, though a friend who went to a gas station looking for it was told, dead serious, "We don't get no New York news here." (This effete East Coast elitist academic is from Iowa.)

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:26 AM
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This effete East Coast elitist academic is from Iowa.

Heh. That describes a good chunk of my extended family. Plus Tennessee.

Posted by: Matt F | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:28 AM
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Tempting. And, indeed, we would probably only see each other online as I would first need to find Oggedsville to locate our house. I have a mental image of a big game of Marco Polo.

Posted by: Becks | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:33 AM
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a big game of Marco Polo

Yes, we have silks and spices and exotic locals. Let me know when you're nearby, and we can go house shopping!

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:42 AM
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There has to be a huge audience for a bunch of dumpy nerds typing all day.

Yes, but some of the typists would be chicks. At least one of them BarelyLegal™! How could it miss?

Real World XXXIV: The Mineshaft

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:46 AM
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Yes, but we almost never fight. We'd have to get B and Farber in on the deal if we want to sell this. Unless all the commenters with ovaries like to type in their undies.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:49 AM
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Yes, but we almost never fight.

"God, how can you listen to this stuff? It's so earnest!"

"What does that even mean?"

Fisticuffs ensue.

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:53 AM
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Who doesn't like to type in their undies?

We'd have to get B and Farber

Or Brad, abc123, T/om H/ilde - hey, the possibilities are limitless.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:54 AM
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You might be on to something here. I call the big bedroom.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:57 AM
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Fisticuffs ensue.

Training for which involves handlebar mustaches and giant triangular weights.

Posted by: Matt F | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 10:58 AM
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Ogged: "God, how can you listen to this stuff? It's so earnest!"

Weiner: "I don't think that word means what you think it means."

Labs: "It means my cock."

Farber: "If you bothered to read my blog, I explained earnestness last week."

Chopper: "Dude, quit being such a whiny girl about people reading your blog."

B: "I guess it makes me a humorless bitch to merely point out the sexism inherent in that 'whiny girl' statement?"

apo: "Probably. Good thing you're cute. And watch those split infinitives."

w-lfs-n: "YOUR MOM is a split infinitive."


Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 11:07 AM
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Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 11:12 AM
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Dunno, apostropher, from what B said she'd have had to do more than merely point it out to avoid being a humorless bitch. She wouldn't split an infinitive like that.

[First one kicked out! yay!]

Posted by: Matt Weiner | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 11:17 AM
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You could have weird discussions about the unreality of being on a reality show. I think it should go sort of meta. Then you could have other reality tv show people from different shows come to visit. I think the folks from Cooking under Fire would be a good addition, because you'd get good food.

Posted by: bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 11:37 AM
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Then you could have other reality tv show people from different shows come to visit.

Yeah, for our At-Swim-Two Birds reading group.

Posted by: ben w-lfs-n | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 11:40 AM
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A friend and I were just emailing about TV shows and I accidentally promised to TiVo "Everybody Hates Christ" for her.

Now that's a pilot I would watch.

Posted by: Becks | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 12:12 PM
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Followed by the season premieres of Gilgamesh's Island, Everybody Loves Ra, and Buddha the Vampire Slayer.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 09-27-05 12:24 PM
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