"freaky like in Abu Ghraib." She actually said that.
Okay, that's the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and I really mean it this time.
I can't stop watching it.
Me either, and I'm laughing just as hard now as the first time I saw it. Of course I'm drunk, but still.
I kinda keep going back and forth between laughing and appalled and laughing again. Where'd you find this?
The message boards at cruel.com, where you'll mostly just be appalled.
Yeah, I think I'll spare myself.
It's awful that this is so catchy.
It's some awfully damned clever satire. I'd really love to know who's behind it.
I can't believe she didn't make an "I"m Saddam horny" joke.
That's very funny.
What's not funny: driving to the office at midnight, in the rain, because a UPS powering a rack full of routers and switches went to the great network in the sky.
16: The Brown powers racks full of routers and switches? Wow, I'm impressed. I thought they just earned their pay everyday by delivering packages.
But it gave you the chance to be among the first to view the video and comment on it! Silver lining!
Now I'm wondering why "tin lining", meaning "something unexpectedly suboptimal", isn't in wide circulation.
Probably because people associate tin linings with copper cookware.
Or "gold lining" as an improvement over "silver lining"?
Because rain clouds are gray, not yellow. DUH.
My copper is lined with stainless steel. But it's still an association people have.
21: Good point. Tin-lined copper cookware is the bombe. But then why does "tin ear" have a pejorative meaning?
And actually, it seems like most of the copper cookware one sees these days has, heretically, a stainless steel lining. For example. Now if by "people" you meant "people who know beans about cooking", then you have, as I said, a good point.
Silver isn't gray either.
It's silver.
26 was posted before I saw the ben reveal his lameness in 25.
But the ubiquity of gray clouds would make a yellow one all the more special.
24: And the saying only mentions clouds, not rain clouds specifically.
if by "people" you meant "people who know beans about cooking"
I think you mean people who know too much about cookware. There are plenty of people who are excellent cooks without being big snoots about the hardware.
I think yellow clouds are the source of yellow snow. Everyone knows not to eat the yellow snow, right?
Speaking of gray, I pulled a totally white hair out of my nine-year-old, redheaded son's head this evening.
27: It is, however, closer to gray than gold is.
34: I just noted it; he asked me to pull it out so he could see it.
A short white grows repeatedly in the same spot just below my left eye. As in, I pluck it, and a couple months later I notice it's there again. A hair similar in color and regeneration patterns grows in roughly the same spot on my mom's face. Should I disclose this to potential mates?
I mean, it's not like he has a shortage of hair.
I think you mean people who know too much about cookware. There are plenty of people who are excellent cooks without being big snoots about the hardware.
And there are plenty of people who dress well without being big snoots about, just for example, shoes. It's of course imminently possible to be an excellent cook without expensive or fancy cookware. I have never said otherwise, and am sorry if I have ever implied so. That doesn't mean that quality hardware doesn't make a difference, though.
Generally, copper cookware is a highly unnecessary extravagence (although it is fucking great). But if you're going to spend the money on it, getting the stainless steel lined stuff is, well, just silly (if you inherited it or picked it up at a garage sale or thrift shop then, no harm, no foul). It still looks really gorgeous hanging from your pot rack, I suppose.
Man, an honest expression of female sexual desire and people hasten to trash it. This is just another part of the gendered sexual expectations that tells all men that they are supposed to be uncontrollable horndogs and women that they shouldn't want sex for their own sake. Why are so many of you so eager to support the patriarchy when doing so allows you to bash country music?
39: All the kids are sporting anime cuts these days.
Jesus but this is a great photo of you.
But if you're going to spend the money on it, getting the stainless steel lined stuff is, well, just silly
Steel can take much more abuse, but if you want the nice heat distribution of copper as well, why not steel lined?
For some definition of "great," I suppose.
45: I mean in the World Historical sense of the word.
Because the steel lining fucks with the nice heat distribution of copper.
That's my ex-wife's photostream, by the way. You can probably see why we still get along so well.
"This photo is private."
No, I can't see, but I can certainly imagine.
Did you pull a (some) hair out of his head too? It's like a painting*!
* Can't find a link to those painting of crying children you posted in the last year or so . . .
Huh. I didn't expect that. Censored version.
Ah, you get along so well because, with your huge cocks, you can't come within ten feet of each other.
I couldn't watch any more after "Shoot me like a Sunni"
The porn aesthetic seems to be everywhere now. I'm sure that porn gospel is out there if you look for it (beyond Madonna and Prince, I mean). A great triumph of progress, no?
39: Very cute, Apostropher. If he's the smart-alecky one you should get him to vlog. he'd be a giant hit.
Like virtually every non-swimming video posted here, this was too embarrassing to watch.
"There's a cel phone in my underwear"???
Yeah, the swimming videos are merely boring in a homoerotic way. Or that's my guess, anyway.
56: Maybe this is more to your liking?
Uncomfortably hilarious. "Freaky like in Abu Ghraib" is going to be stuck in my head all day.
This is the kind of thing that makes me love America.
We should have a comment fork about whether the singer is all that hot.
She's hot enough for those failures in the military.
We men who got educated and made something of ourselves have more refined tastes.
Hoax or not, the reverse-Lysistrata strategy deserves a try.
In what sense could the video be a hoax? It was shot on a soundstage? The singer actually hates the troops?
What would it mean for it to be a hoax?
The singer is apparently part of a comedy troupe.
Country lyrics tend to be over-the-top with lots of goofy hooks, but a lot of that was pretty much too much.
I didn't notice any problem when I lestened to the lyric, but I was drunk. It seemed quite normal.
When you get to a comment fork, take it.
And this is the YouTube profile of the guy who posted it, so I think it's safe to say it's satire. His other videos are pretty funny.
The singer is apparently part of a comedy troupe.
Oh, no, not me. I just used The Google and found that the "singer" is part of a comedy troupe called PuPu Platter.
I started out thinking that it was a mainsteam country video, and it was interesting to have that belief gradually chipped away.
I gotta plug Black Nasty here. "Freaky like in Abu Ghraib" has nothing on the lyrics on AIDS Can't Stop Me.
I figured it was satire when I saw that awful blue minidress. Oof.
That's pop. Not country.
It's a fuzzy boundary these days.
76: You can't tell the difference anymore.
I'm amazed that y'all thought that wasn't satire. Jeez.
The stripper moves sort of got me.
I just watched it, and I must admit I was expecting it to be subtler -- you have to figure that 'hump' as a verb isn't going to show up in a lot of pop/country. (This implies that it would be perfectly normal as a noun, which probably isn't the case either.)
Is there a substantive difference between saying "hump on you" and "hump you"? Is it similar to the difference between "hate on you" and "hate you," in that the former implies an isolated performance, rather than an ongoing and perhaps unperformed emotional state?
I'm amazed that y'all thought that wasn't satire. Jeez.
Well, some of us were drunk, B.
83: It starts off somewhat subtly, but once it gets going quickly abandons all pretenses.
When I first saw it I did think that the LCD had just been lowered one more time, but I didn't realize it was satire.
My bullshit detector is too weak for a world where this is genuine.
That said, I did identify the revised version as satire.
78: I'm not sure what it says about me that that was the point at which I, too, was certain.
83: I'm trying to find some samples from Jeff Stryker's country music career, but having no luck. There are also David Allen Coe's "other songs".
91: I think maybe it's because it's not sequiny enough to be a real country-singer minidress, and it's too ugly to be a real pornstar minidress, so it comes off as an attempt to achieve both simultaneously by cutting off the bottom of something found at the Salvation Army. A real country-singing pornstar would have something made.
Says the guy who made it. Here's a link from his Wikipedia entry.
Some people love America, you know.
I assumed it was some sort of strange parody when looking at the post here just because Apostropher was linking to it. That said, ultimate confirmation came with the minidress, not so much because of it but because of the way she moves. Very awkward broad gestures, those of a comedian impersonating a music performer, not the real thing.
I have no speakers on my computer, so I had to rely on visual cues to alert me to whether this is a parody. I think it was the stock footage of soldiers loading big penis-like shells into artillery, rockets going off, etc., that first tipped me to the presence of comedy here. By the time we reached the point of pelvic-writhing-in-a-cornfield, I was pretty much convinced.
I thought it was a parody because of her black bra.
102: I need that explained, please. Either there are regional differences in black bra wearing, such that the L.A. style of wearing them under (or over) anything no matter how opaque or transparent is not okay elsewhere, or the small stroke I had Monday evening damaged my Parody or Snark Detection centers. (the Utterance of Sarcastic Replies and its initiator, the Irritation with Damn Near Everything centers weren't damaged)
Are there really country-singing porn stars?
103: Country-western-pop singers tend, im limited e, to look sexy, but wholesome-to-wholesome-teases, and the button-down shirt with the boobs falling out is just too slutty for the all-American-tribute-to-troops video.
It might be as bad a proxy as ogged's makeup tastes, but that was the point where I was pretty sure whatever was coming was going to be a parody.
True fact. The same amount of tits spilling out of a knotted gingham shirt would have been plausible, but the black bra was a false note.
The interview in 96 is disturbing.
Thanks. I really just thought it was today's hyper-version of the Vietnam War's Women say "Yes" to Men who Say "No" slogan but I'm in the midst of recalibrating everything.
From the mind of Dennis Madalone:
Do you think this anthem will still be playing in 100 years?
I believe that it will be around for longer than that. Just like the old black and white films that people still watch today. I believe our song is a special and rare thing. I know that it has gotten to and comforted many people. It will be around for a long time after I pass away. 100 years or 1000 years from now, it will always be a message from our loved ones. It will surge until it reaches every one on its own. Everyday! Someone clicks on the song and it's a new thing!
Someone clicks on the song and it's a new thing!
Yeah. That just happened to me, and now I'm going to inflict it on my kids as partial revenge for whatever they did wrong that I might have missed in years past.
Geez, people, you're becoming as credulous as ogged. I knew it was a joke from the first line, where she does that weird jerky little dance. Emerson, I'm particularly disappointed in you.
The same amount of tits spilling out of a knotted gingham shirt would have been plausible,
Indeed. Were you subjected to Hee Haw as a child, too?
I can't tell parody country videos from real ones. My life has been wasted. The "cell phone in my panties" was too subtle for me.
I bent over backwards to be accepting of Red America, and look what happened. Those motherfuckers.
Oh, I love that she may be a transsexual.
It seems like she's definitely named Sandra Bauleo. That name is listed on The Dregs Myspace page, and this sure looks like her.
Do you think this anthem will still be playing in 100 years?
In the future, they'll be be able to read this thread if they care to. Somebody, somewhere, google if noone else, will record our idiocy, and all others. Conservatism will thus be killed.
Having looked at a few more pictures, I'm going to guess not a tranny. But you never know.
the L.A. style of wearing them under (or over) anything no matter how opaque or transparent
Funny; the first place I encountered this style (which I occasionally affect) was in Seattle.
Having looked at a few more pictures, I'm going to guess not a tranny.
"I've already masturbated to these images, so Please God, don't let it be a tranny."
The first time I encountered this style was in high school: a super rich girl who didn't have any female friends; she only talked to seniors when we were in 9th grade, and in tenth grade got kicked out for giving away coke.
and in tenth grade got kicked out for giving away coke.
Your highschool had anti-dumping regulations? Wow. Posh.
I'm now head over heels for Sandra Bauleo.
I assumed it was some sort of strange parody when looking at the post here just because Apostropher was linking to it.
The messenger is the medium!
Isn't the messenger usually the medium? I think you mean "The messenger is the message".
122: Or maybe that was a violation of the rule against competing with the official concession.
Sarah Silverman is kicking herself that she didn't think of this first.