Re: Cost Cutting


From the description it seems careless, negligent and distracted. Even if in the middle of a move, care that the core rooms be clean, and an apology from the staff about the disorder of everything else, seems in order. They may feel it's not their job, but it ought to be somebody's job.

Posted by: I don't pay | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:40 AM
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Was the examining table a desk that you lay on and prop your feet on the back of two chairs?

Where there fraternity letters on the outside of this building?

You might have just been punked.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:40 AM
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Clearly the guy was recently struck off, and you are now part of his pathetic descent into criminality.

Posted by: Gonerill | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:42 AM
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Did you go through with the exam?

Posted by: Bostoniangirl | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:44 AM
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3 sounds almost plausible ...

Posted by: nattarGcM ttaM | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:44 AM
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Yeah, I went through with the exam. But this, combined with some other incidents with the doctor, makes me think I'm not going back.

Posted by: Becks | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:50 AM
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When Touch Is A Crime, an Action 4 special.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:53 AM
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Exit, Voice and Loyalty. Did you bring up the subject with him in any way? Something like "Trying to get settled? How's the move been going?" to show him you've noticed, to give him an opportunity to address the issue.

I haven't read the link to what I take are the other issues; you may not feel like having that conversation, which of course is his loss.

Posted by: I don't pay | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:53 AM
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Was this in DC? DC doesn't have a good record of disciplining bad doctors or providing info about them. Though it's supposed to improve in future.

Posted by: Gonerill | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:57 AM
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I don't pay makes sense. If you liked him enough to go to him previously, express your issues to him. If it isnt addressed to your satisfaction, then you know what to do.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 6:57 AM
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some other incidents with the doctor

No, this doesn't sound good, Becks. I like will's advice: express your concerns clearly and directly, give him a chance to explain what's going on, evaluate his answer, and then make up your mind.

Posted by: Jackmormon | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:13 AM
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Outside of office hours, does he convert this place into a crack house? And did you get the impression they re-use the Dixie cups?

Posted by: reuben | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:27 AM
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Was this in DC?

from Park Slope to a less pricey neighborhood in Brooklyn

Is there a way to see if he's been disciplined? I thought it was possible to look that up. Anyway, it's not just the conditions, but the apparent lack of apology or explanation that means you should definitely not go back. Sorry this happened; not a good feeling at all.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:30 AM
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OK, OK. It's early. In partial compensation, seeing as it was in NY you can the doctor up in the State misconduct records to see if he's been disciplined.

Posted by: Gonerill | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:34 AM
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I need some coffee. Link.

Posted by: Gonerill | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:35 AM
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I think the final straw was when she asked for a urine sample and handed me a paper Dixie cup instead of a specimen jar.

Well, at least you got a good knock-knock joke out of the visit, right?

Posted by: M/tch M/lls | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:39 AM
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I hadn't seen that. For some reason, I prefer the Dixie cup.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:41 AM
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17: See, Tim? There's a part of Dixie you can love.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:44 AM
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Pissing on Dixie again, I see -- literally. Fuckin' Yankee liberals, I tell ya ...

--You who read every thread here, has Ogged not had Jessica Alba's panties brought to his attention? I was expecting a post on the subject.

Posted by: Anderson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 7:58 AM
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I'm not mad about this. I didn't write it up looking for sympathy, more because I thought it was funny in a "OMG! This is crazy!" kind of a way. I guess "final straw" makes it sound like I was mad. I really meant more like "thing that put it over the top into absurdity".

I'm probably not going to go back to him but more because I don't think he took some things I brought up with him seriously enough.

Posted by: Becks | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 8:00 AM
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I saw that, but I'm not really a Jessica Alba guy.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 8:01 AM
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There's a part of Dixie you can love.

I used to have a crush on Dixie. Lover betrayed, etc.

because I don't think he took some things I brought up with him seriously enough.

You should just call his wife. Once you've made the threat, it's important to follow through.

Posted by: SomeCallMeTim | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 8:05 AM
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Probably you shouldn't go to Moldava for your medical care any more.

We used the dixie cup in my lab too, though, except for bacti specimens. Urine chem specimens don't need to be sterile.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 8:12 AM
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First your coffee guy, now your doctor. Who's next on your hit list?

Posted by: M/tch M/lls | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 8:32 AM
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The juxtaposition of straw, urine, and Dixie cup in the last sentence made me feel a little sick.

Posted by: NCProsecutor | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 8:44 AM
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I'm still available, Becks.

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 8:52 AM
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25: Well if you're feeling sick, go see the doctor.

Posted by: M/tch M/lls | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 8:53 AM
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"I'm still available, Becks."

Regarding Apo's comment, my dad is an ob/gyn. In high school and college, women regularly asked me gyn questions.

I'd look at them quizzically and say "You know that it is my DAD that is the ob/gyn, not me, right???"

"Well, I thought you might know," they would respond.

If the problem wasn't too messy, I'd offer to do an exam and then give my opinion. I don't recall any taking me up in the offer.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:17 AM
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In high school and college, women regularly asked me gyn questions.

That is beyond weird.

Posted by: Anderson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:23 AM
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Your vagina is cleaner than your mouth, by the way.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:24 AM
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Your vagina is cleaner than your mouth, by the way.

Sure, and a dog's vagina is actually cleaner than a human vagina, we all know these science facts.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:25 AM
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I use my dog's twat to sponge off the kitchen counter, actually.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:26 AM
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I heard about you in junior high, heebie.

Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:27 AM
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"we all know these science facts"

Posted by: apostropher | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:28 AM
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Your vagina is cleaner than your mouth, by the way.

Sure, and a dog's vagina is actually cleaner than a human vagina, we all know these science facts.

Let's see: Dog vagina > human vagina > human mouth, where ">" = "cleaner than."

But dogs lick their vaginas frequently.

So, dog mouth > human mouth?

Anything that chews on old cat shit does *not* have a cleaner mouth than mine.

Ergo, dog vagina ~> human vagina. Unless a human who chews old cat shit, and doesn't brush, is licking that vagina frequently. Which I'm pretty sure excludes present company.

Posted by: Anderson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:44 AM
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Oops ital on 2d graf in 35, I forgot the tags break at grafs.

Posted by: Anderson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:44 AM
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Its sort of like a Zen Coan, Anderson. Ponder it and when you get it, you'll be transcended.

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:51 AM
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Posted by: ogged | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:52 AM
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you'll be transcended

Happens every day on this blog.

Posted by: Anderson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:53 AM
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I thought so too.

Posted by: will | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 9:55 AM
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Posted by: Jackmormon | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 10:01 AM
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It's sort of like a Zen Conan, Anderson.

Posted by: Cryptic Ned | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 10:09 AM
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42: AHHHHHHHHH! Get it off me!

Posted by: A White Bear | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 10:11 AM
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42: Awesome wallpaper.

Posted by: Clownaesthesiologist | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 10:13 AM
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Normal urine is sterile, and sick urine is seldom infectious.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 10:19 AM
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Poor urine! Take it to a doctor?

Posted by: heebie-geebie | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 11:59 AM
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No, you just drink it like ay other urine. It's god for you.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 12:25 PM
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No, you just drink it like ay other urine. It's god for you.

Emerson's church evidently has a non-standard communion ceremony.

Posted by: My Alter Ego | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 12:33 PM
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Some Hindus do that, including a recent political figure in India.

Posted by: John Emerson | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 12:51 PM
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I'd like to give a plug for my doc. She's Dena Harris, of Soho OBGYN (212.941.0011).

The downside with her is that she won't take insurance for her services (though all lab services are covered).

But she's GOOD. Not only does she let the patient lead--she wants to handle things the way you want to--but she also never wastes your time. She'll only bring you in if she needs to.

And when I had painful periods, she totally took my pain seriously. She had me come in, did an exam and immediately sent me for an ultrasound (she would have done it there, but her ultrasound person was sick), and found out that I had edometriosis and a 4 cm cyst. Normally, women complain about painful periods, docs patronize them, and then 2-10 years later after they've gone through a half dozen docs, somebody finally figures it out. Of course, by that time they're infertile and have to have massive surgery just to deal with the pain.

My doc got it the FIRST TIME I complained to her, and I started treatment right away.

Anyway, she's great. And she has proper specimen jars, no dixie cups. And GOWNS, and little potholders on the stirrups to keep 'em warm (well, not freezing cold).

Posted by: anonymous | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 4:29 PM
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I went to see my gynecologist for my annual exam.

what was the pass mark?

Posted by: dsquared | Link to this comment | 04-20-07 5:56 PM
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