If you write this up and send it in, Pepsi might send you a lifetime supply. Maybe a promotional world tour, the sky's the limit.
Say whatever you want, John. Between the time I posted this and this here comment, the bottle, and my headache, is gone.
Placebo effect. Do some blind tests and get back to us.
But if it was just caffeine or low blood sugar, coffee or food should help. But they don't!
That's an off-label use. It was invented to treat dyspepsia.
Possibly the carbonation equalizes the pressure in your sinus cavity? Have you ever tried ginger ale or soda water?
Oh, right. Diet Pepsi doesn't work. Good reading comprehension, Sifu.
9 - Hmmm, I don't know. But I have tried diet soda and that doesn't work.
Have you tried Crystal Pepsi?
Wow -- who knew there were so many kinds of Pepsi?
Caffeine Free Picante Shrimp Pepsi with Artificial Lemongrass Flavor Boba Balls.
The "Boba Balls" was an especially nice touch.
That's an entertainingly awful wikipedia page.
Carbonated, mass-produced bubble tea is a really inspired idea. I'm having trouble believing it is original to this thread, and that it has not yet been tried.
assClown, there was this for a while. I liked it.
You know, a lady whose "headaches" can be cured with a bottle of Pepsi is really, really low-maintenance. Put that in your singles ads...... and you'll get lots and lots of whambam insensitive guys. Best keep it secret.
This sounds like something that could be in the New york Times style section, but only if you replace "Pepsi" with "un-oaked Chardonnay" or "cherimoya". Or "my plumber's strong hands".
Diet Pepsi wouldn't work because it is (1) nasty and (2) headache-inducing, so how would you notice?
Bitch, then you have something else to blame the headache on, though. It's the classic headache double switch!
Have you tried just opening the Pepsi, hearing that delectable "ah" when the pressure is released, and then drinking iced tea? Maybe you can ease into a switch like that.