Ben, I realize I am treading on the beautiful archedness* of your post, but for the benefit of those of us near sleeping babies, and thus unable to click on audio links, can you clarify which song you are talking about?
Thanks in advance.
*Archidity? There must be an actual word for this quality.
The song is called "Waltze of the Tennis Players", originally by 60s duo Allan Fraser and Daisy Debolt, here performed by Meg Baird.
& I think the word you want is just "archness".
Fey little wench singing that song, innit?
Good lord, I got a straight reply. Thanks.
(And no, I think the word I want doesn't actually exist, or is some weird not-entirely-English amalgam in my head. But thanks anyway.)
I hadn't even realized Ms. Plath had a band!
And she's performing with Bert fuckin' Jansch in August!
Did you pick that title just for me, ben?
That's a really nice song, but it seems to be impossible to purchase the CD at the moment.
Looks like Forced Exposure has copies.
Hell, Amazon has it too, now that I look.
Next time, apostropher. Next time.
I just got a call to go to YearlyKos (as a band's merch guy). Is anyone 'round these parts headed there? I'm trying to decide whether I can go.
Oh, wait. Nevermind. I don't think it's gonna work.
I don't care if you have a pretty voice, you still don't get to spell it "nite."Neither do you get to drive "thru" anything, nor do you get to diet by eating "lite" food. Mr. w-lfs-n, you are fiddling while the OED burns. For shame,etc...
I don't care if you have a pretty voice, you still don't get to spell it "nite."
I assume it's an allusion, fm.
Even if one agrees that the song--if it isn't totally beguiling--is very nice, one can't but deplore Forced Exposure's advertising copy:
"And her cover of The New Riders of the Purple Sage song 'All I Ever Wanted' will make your heart explode in a way the NRPS version never did -- gently."
I put it to you thus: why would one wish to listen to a song that would make one's heart explode and in such a twee fashion?
No tabla, JM, but whyn't you listen anyway? You might enjoy it.
No tabla
I'm sorry I couldn't listen in. I had to deal with a locksmith.
Sounds like fun times at the House that Jack Built.
I was able to tune in only for the last half hour, but the whole program looks interesting. Might it be available in recorded form at some point?
Incidentally, Muybridge is pronounced my-bridge.
Why yes Jesus, it will be available as a recording!
Yes, it has come to that. All of his shit is in the lobby---oy, my back hurts. Among his affairs I found the packaging for an iPhone, which certainly puts the lie to the idea that he couldn't spring for rent.
All of his shit is in the lobby
Oh man. Good luck, JM.
That's gotta suck. I hope it resolves without too much further drama.
I'm going to start painting what used to be his room now.
What a nightmare, JM. Best of luck.
JM should be loopy on paint fumes by evening; make sure you ask her for stuff then.
Good luck, JM! Sorry to hear that it came to that but hopefully things will improve from here!
Since gswift is vacationing, I'll be the one to recommend that you buy a gun. Preferably a [mumbleknowledgeablemumble], with [mumble]. Yeehaw!
The only satisfactory resolution to this episode would have to include the iPhone lodged somewhere in his bowels. I'm steeling myself for disappointment.
I thought you didn't like this guy, SB.
Huh. I didn't know about the enema feature. But then you're supposing that he enjoys them, which enjoyment has not yet been documented.
Not everyone likes their sweet lover's gentle caress.
Good point, SB.
What are you quoting, ogged. Or is there some part of the house-style post that I missed?
I pick up on jokes without needing them explained
That you do, SCMT.
Christ, my roommate really has no long-term thinking skills at all. He's now pacing on the sidewalk, and it's clear he has no idea what to do---despite knowing for three whole months that today was the absolute last day (and telling my other roommate that he'd return the keys this morning).
Somewhat amusing fact: among the various expensive-looking prescription drugs he had in his room was a bottle of Cialis.
I hope you're filming all this. It could be valuable when he runs for Congress.
What kind of a mom are you, JM, kicking the guy out of the house just because he's not quite perfect and occasionally does the wrong thing? Bitch. You don't care about others, do you? The word "nurturing" means nothing to you, does it?
a bottle of Cialis
Did he keep it by the icetrays?
my roommate really has no long-term thinking skills at all. He's now pacing on the sidewalk, and it's clear he has no idea what to do
Tonight, let it be Lowenbrau.