Attention Friends of Freedom: Is this the latest example of Barack Obama's new Fairness Doctrine; or is this a bad joke of "Merry Christmas" against your Internet privacy? The longer he is in office; the more control he wants! Barack Obama has a "Christmas present" for YOU. On December 21 his administration's Federal Communications Commission will introduce new regulations to take control of the Internet. Not many people know about these new regulations---that's why I am urgently writing to you today! It seems like the longer Mr. Obama is in office---the more control he wants to exercise over the American people. Today, YOUR Internet privacy is NO LONGER SAFE. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is ready to include the Internet to its lengthy list of federal government-regulated industries. On December 1st, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced that he circulated draft rules that he says will "...preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet." No statement could more accurately reflect the gulf between the rhetoric and the reality of Obama administration policies. Barack Obama will attempt to control the Internet under the guise of making sure our safety and security are of his greatest concern. Mr. Genachowski's December 21 proposal must be REJECTED by Members of Congress. In fact both the Senate and the House should make it even more clear that the FCC should STOP trying to expand its IMPERIAL POWERS! Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY, and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC, by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. AND, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to AmeriPac as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms! It seems like at every turn, the Obama Administration continues to overstep its boundaries. Not too many people are aware of this.....yet DECEMBER 21st is only ONE WEEK AWAY! That's why we must Fax now to stop this additional government intrusion. The Obama FCC is more than ready to steal the Internet freedom by simply declaring it has the "right" to regulate it. But here is the probable reason for this particular infringement: Internet journalists tend to report the news without coloring it with the socialistic political correctness. It's called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009. Since it's been hung up in Committee since it was introduced over a year ago, the Obama Administration realizes that they might be able to implement it by regulation during the Lame Duck session when everyone: members of Congress and the public are distracted. We've got to fight for our rights. Please help us fax every single member of Congress and let them know they must NOT agree to the FCC's proposed regulations! Will you help us help you? Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY, and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC, by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. AND, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to AmeriPac as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms! In the administration's zeal to supposedly "PROTECT THE PEOPLE," the Obama minions in the bureaucracy are not averse to writing the regulations of bills like this one-bills that haven't quite gotten enacted. These unlegislated regulations will still, nevertheless, take away freedoms on the Internet-- all under the guise of "protection." That's why these proposed FCC Internet rules and regulations must be stopped before they can be implemented by fiat. Conservative legislators have been in a literal battle during the lame duck session fending off an onslaught of horrible legislation that this is one of those things that is suddenly on them without anyone realizing what was happening until it had already happened. That's why YOU must be involved today. And, that's why we need your help. The Washington Times reported: "With a straight face, Mr. Genachowski suggested that government red tape will increase the 'freedom' of online services that have flourished because bureaucratic busybodies have been blocked from tinkering with the Web. Ordinarily, it would be appropriate at this point to supply an example from the proposed regulations illustrating the problem. Mr. Genachowski's draft document has over 550 footnotes and is stamped 'non-public, for internal use only' to ensure nobody outside the agency sees it until the rules are approved in a scheduled December 21 vote. So much for 'openness'." Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY, and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC, by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. AND, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to AmeriPac as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms! Would you trust the control of cyberspace to Barack Obama? Of course not. Then please, be sure to fax every single Member of Congress. Like me, you do NOT want to lose any of your freedoms on our Internet. As usual, AmeriPAC continues to be on the very frontlines of what is happening---OR NOT HAPPENING---with our legislators. Please. Don't let Mr. Obama and the FCC give you the worst Christmas you've ever had, by taking away our rights and freedoms on the Internet. Believe me; it is that serious. December 21st is only ONE WEEK AWAY! Please remember to give a generous donation to AmeriPAC as we cover many bases in getting the word out about the injustice. Government intervention on the Internet is not a good thing for us freedom-loving patriots, like you. Our Internet freedom is guaranteed by the First Amendment. And, of course, Mr. Genachowski wants to protect that right. That's why he said: "Heavy use in some areas of the Internet slow the "web experience" for everyone sharing the same information superhighway lines. Even though that is partially true, the United States government should not dictate to us what we can and cannot do on the Internet. Apparently, the FCC thinks they need to protect us from "movie buffs." The Internet must be under the control of the PEOPLE---not the federal government! And I know you agree with me on that score, don't you? In that case, we MUST do something this very day. In one week, it will be too late! Please, give do whatever you can to protect your freedoms, by faxing every Member of Congress. Barack Obama believes he has the executive authority, WITHOUT legislation enacted by Congress, to arbitrarily regulate who uses cyberspace and what access they may enjoy based entirely on the content of the material they wish to publish there. I must hear from you NOW! REJECT FURTHER REGULATIONS! Sincerely, Alan Gottlieb Chairman, AmeriPAC P.S. - The tentacles of the federal government continue to swell. In one week, they are trying to take over the Internet. The Internet must remain free from FCC rules and regulations. Please send your faxes and donations today. Please, CLICK HERE to send a FAX to every single Member of Congress TODAY, and tell them that they need to exercise their Constitutional authority and oversight over the FCC, by insisting that the FCC postpone the implementation of these new regulations until proper Congressional Committee hearings are held to determine whether the Executive Branch has the Constitutional authority to take over the Internet. Three federal judges in three different cases have already ruled that the Internet deserves the same protection under the First Amendment as printed material receives. AND, please be sure to send a sizeable DONATION to AmeriPac as we keep this Internet freedom issue before the eyes of every Member of Congress. We must not let the federal government continue to whittle away at our Constitutional freedoms! Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC: American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC) PO Box 1682 Dept Code 5129 Bellevue, WA 98009-1682 Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.